After Midnight // Michael Clifford

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Yay! New fanfic, deleted my Harry one bc cringe hehe. I hope you enjoy this story, I hope it's not all bad, I've changed my Twitter name too, I'm now @bubblegummuke, enjoy this beauts!

Sorry if it's a bad start, VooDoo Doll is going on hold too, due to my new anti depressants, this one may be updated regularly.

At least 1 vote and 20+ reads and I'll start writing the second chapter :) 

I hate it here.

It's so lonely, quiet and I feel so isolated. I sit here everyday, being checked out by weird doctors that I don't like, and being forced medication which is supposed to make the bad thoughts disappear. I looked down at my body, I was clothed head to toe in plain, somewhat depressing colours, such as grey and white. I had a grey knitted jumper on, keeping with the festive theme of snow flakes and I had a pair of white skinny jeans on, at least these brightened up the place a bit. 

I looked to my right, my head snapping to the side. I still saw him there, I could of sworn I smelt him and saw him, his blond hair and his teal eyes, I could of sworn I heard his voice and seen his smile. "Freya," I swear I heard my name, I turned my head all over my room, scowering for this mysterious voice. I jumped down from my bed and searched under my bed, under books and under my desk. The ominous voice starting to give me goosebumps. "I'm with you, I'll always be with you." I heard the husky voice again, those were the words my brother said to me, before the crash. I got up from my knees and looked at my bed, he was there, sitting in front of me. Looking at me, his eyes wide and his arms open. I felt tears brim my eyes, he was there, he was really there. I clambered back onto my bed and sunk into his arms, he was warm and his hug tight. I sat oppostie him breaking off from the hug, smiling at my brother. "Didn't I tell you? I'm with you, I'll always be with you." 

"You did, you promised." I smiled, I shoved my black hair up in a messy bun and smiled back at the figure infront of me. "You're here," I smiled, my brother grabbed my hand and looked at me, his smile turning into a frown, he nodded lightly as I felt my face drop. "Is something wrong?" I asked, concerned, my brother shook his head. "Something's wrong, tell me." I demanded, raising my eyebrow. 

"I'll be back to see you tommorow, like I do everyday." My brother gave me a un easy smile as he jumped off my bed, and kissed my cheek, ruffling my hair and disappearing. 

Once again, I was left feeling alone and empty. I'm in this mental institute for depression, suicide and well, hollucinations like these. I think I can see the them, see my brother, but I can't. I'm just crazy, I have no friends in this place, no one to talk to, and I'm burnt with this feeling that I'm never alone. I'm always being watched, I'm controlled, I'm insane. The other patients look through my window and mock me, as I speak to someone who's not even there.

Well, except for this one guy.

He has the most piercing green eyes, his stare is intoxicating and his voice husky, yet smooth. His hair is bleach blond - almost white - with a stripe of black running through the middle, he doesn't have a style, just spiked in different directions, making me want to run my hands through his silky locks.

He's the only kid who doesn't stare of make fun of me, he's the only one here who treats me normally - although, I never leave this room, whenever he passes he looks in, his expression blank but his eyes telling me a story.

His name?

Michael Clifford.

after midnight // m.cDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora