Chapter 5

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**Tobias’s POV**

I’ve been sittin in the hospital waiting for news on Tris for two hours. Finally a nurse walks out and says, “Tris Prior.” I know that’s my signal to go. 

I walk up to the nurse and ask an obvious question, “Is she okay?”

“She’ll be fine. She just hit her head on the chasm’s side when she fell. She may have a minor concussion, but we have to wait until she wakes up to be sure,” the nurse says.

“Okay,” I quietly say. “May I go see her?”

“Of course, but visiting hours are over in two hours unless you’re family.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

“She’s in room 413.”

I nod and quietly slip into Tris’s hospital room. She’s asleep in her bed and she looks so peaceful. Not wanting to disturb her, I slowly and carefully walk towards the chair near her bed. As I walk there, I trip over some cord, fall forward, and face-plant into Tris’s legs. My nose hits her knee and it HURTS. 

I hear a small whimper and look up to see Tris’s blue eyes looking questioningly down at me. Great Tobias. Just great. Not only did you wake her up, you also hurt yourself and look like an idiot. I quickly stand up and smile down at Tris. She pats the edge of the bed, so I sit down on her bed right next to her devil knees.

**Tris’s POV**

I wake up to a sharp pain in my legs. I glance down and see….Tobias? I give him a questioning look and he stands up. I pat my bed and he sits next to my legs.

“What happened?” I ask.

“To me or you?” he responds.


“Which first?”


“When you fell into the chasm you hit your head. You may have a minor concussion.”

“Okay. Now you.”

“I was trying not to wake you up, tripped, and face-planted into your knees. I now know I was right to tell you to use your knees when you fight because those things really hurt.”

I laugh and he frowns at me. “Oh come on. You’re such a baby,” I joke.

“I am not!” he says.

“Yes you are.”

“No I’m not.”

“Ya huh.”

“Nuh uh.”

“Yes you are, Tobias. Just accept it.”

“At least I don’t pout when you don’t do something for me.”

Ugh. I hate how he knows just what to say to make me stop. Sometimes I like it, but not right now I don’t.

“You win,” I say, “this time.”

“I always win. You know why? Because I know just what to say every time. I know you inside and out. You’re too predictable,” he teases.

I frown.

“I knew you would do that. Like I said, predictable,” he says and smirks with victory.

I am about to protest him, but before I do he presses his soft, warm lips to mine. I instantly begin to melt into him. I run on of my hands through his hair and use the other to recline my bed backwards. Tobias shifts and is now hovering over me. By now both my hands are in his hair.

His hand starts to inch up my shirt when a nurse walks in. We don’t notice her until she clears her throat. Tobias pulls away and jumps up. I turn a BRIGHT red from blushing.

“Excuse me, but visiting hours are over,” she says and looks at Tobias. Her eyes are almost scolding him. Then she walks out.

“Ugh. Stupid visiting hours,” Tobias groans. 

“Tell me about it,” I say.

“I love you,” he softly whispers and kisses my head.

“I love you too,” I say.

I watch him as he walks out the door. My eyes widen as I see something. It’s a small box in his back pocket. The exact shape and size of an engagement ring.

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