Chapter 7

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AN: I just wanted to start this chapter off my saying that I am SO SO SO SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! Let me explain, 1.) I've been busy 2.) I've had lots of appointments (mostly orthodontist. I got my braces on two weeks ago.) 3.) MY COMPUTER IS BREAKING! :O I'm trying to limit my computer time to school work only until I get it fixed or a new one. The good news about that is that my grandma (she bought my computer) is coming to visit in a week (I live in Michigan and she lives in Washington) and I'm going to talk to her about getting a new computer or getting this one fixed. Anyways, here's the next chapter. It's going to be kind of short, only because I'm writing it on my phone and I don't have a word count. So...yeah... Please don't hate me for not updating.

***Tris's POV***

I wake up wrapped in Tobias's arms. Last night was...amazing. I was nervous at first, but I quickly got over it. As I lay there I stare at my ring. It's beautiful, yet very simple. It's perfect, just like the man who gave it to me. After admiring my ring for a few minutes I look over to see Tobias, who is now awake and staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes. He is grinning like a fool.

"Do you like the ring?" he asks.

"I love it. It's beautiful and simple," I say.

"Just like you," he says with a sparkle in his eyes.

I blush and looks down at my ring again. Tobias gently grabs my chin and makes me look at him.

"I meant that as a compliment," he says.

"I know," I whisper back.

"Good," he says while leaning in to kiss me again.

We kiss for a couple minutes until I hear a knock at the door. We spring apart and rush to get dressed. Tobias just puts on some boxers and pajama pants, while I put on underwear and one of Tobias's t-shirts. It's probably like Christina at the door so I don't really care if I'm dressed like this. Tobias probably figures the same thing. I answer the door and see Jenna standing there. CRAP! We forgot training! How did she find out where we lived?!

"Uh...umm... You guys weren't at training so Christina sent me here. I'm sorry for uh...interrupting..." She says. I knew it! Christina told her where we lived! Great!

"Oh, it's okay," I say. "I guess we just overslept. We'll be right down." As I say that her eyes widen. I turn around to see a still shirtless Tobias standing behind. Oh wonderful! Now she's seen him shirtless! She blushes and then runs down the hall, back to the training center.

"We forgot about training!" I say as I rush into the bedroom to get ready. Tobias and I get dressed. He simply wears jeans and a black t-shirt that clings to his chest. I wear black skinny jeans and a black tank top that shows off what little breasts I have.

We speed walk to the dining hall and we each grab a muffin. Then we run in the training room and everyone stares at us.

Brendon laughs and says, "Look who's finally done dirtying the sheets."

I turn red, not from embarrassment, but from anger. He does not know what he just got into.

***Jenna's POV***

All the other initiates and I are sitting in the training room waiting for Four and Six. They're over an hour late. Right now we're playing Spin the Bottle. We're only on the third round. So far I've kissed Brendon and Taylor has kisses Ed. My stupid little sister has a huge crush on Ed. We may be twins, but I was born first so technically she's the little sister. She's the only person I care about in the world. I'm not as mean as I seem, it's all an act so people will leave us alone. Just as I'm about to spin, Christina walks in.

"Is Tr-Six here?" She asks.

"No," I say. "Four and her haven't been here yet."

"Can you go get them? I have big news to share," she explains.

"Why can't you?"

"You'll find out if you get her."

"I don't know what room they live in."


"I'll only go if you tell me why you can't."

"Fine, I'm pregnant."

I see another initiate's, Hannah I think, jaw drop. Then I see the resemblance and realize she must be Christina's sister. She just found out she's going to be an aunt. How peachy. Now she's going to work even harder to stay.

"Oh, okay then," I say. I run down to room 13 and knock. It takes a couple minutes, but eventually Six answers the door. Woah. She's barely clothed. .God. Did they...?!

"Uh...umm... You guys weren't at training so Christina sent me here. I'm sorry for uh...interrupting..." I manage to say.

"Oh, it's okay," she says. "I guess we just overslept. We'll be right down."

Mhm. Just overslept. As I stand there Four comes into view and he is completely shirtless. Wow. He is HOT. I see Six looking at me like, 'back off' so I blush and run back to the training room.

When I run into the training room I'm still blushing.

"Why are you blushing? Are they coming?" Christina asks.

"Yes, and I think I might've interrupting them...uh...ya know..." I say.

Christina gasps then squeals, "SHE FINALLY OVERCAME HER FEAR!" Then she looks around to all of us, "You did not just hear what I just said. Got it?" she says.

"I'm not scared of you," Brendon says. Then a big, scary looking man walks in.

"Yeah, she's not that scary," he says while wrapping an arm around Christina's shoulder, "but I can be."

"Meet Uriah, my fiancé," Christina says while beaming up at Uriah. She looks so happy. I hope I will eventually end up happy like that. Just then, Four and Six burst in. Everyone turns and stares at them.

It is quiet for a few moments until Brendon breaks the silence and says, "Look who's finally done dirtying the sheets."

The look of pure rage on Six's face is terrifying. This isn't going to end well for any of us.

She looks at Brendon, then at me. I'm the only one who could've known that they were doing that so she knows I told.

"You," she says, so calm it's scary, while pointing to Taylor, "walk over and stand in front of a target."

She does as she says. This isn't good. Six can obviously tell how much I care for Taylor. The pulls Uriah aside and tells him something. Then Uriah pulls out his phone and runs out of the room.

She turns to the other initiates and says, "Today we're learning two things. The first thing is how to shoot a gun. The second is one of the things that happen when you make an instructor mad."

She looks to Four and he nods in understanding. He walks over to the guns, picks one up, and walks back to her.

"Lunabeth," he says, "come here and take the gun. I want you to shoot at them. It's filled with blanks, so it won't kill them. But it can hurt them."

"But," Lunabeth says, "there's only one person."

Just as she says that, Brendon's brother, Peter, walks in and walks over to another target. That must be who Uriah called.

Lunabeth's eyes widen. She walks over and takes the gun. Six quickly shows her the basics of shooting. She lets Lunabeth to a couple practice shoots on other targets. At least Lunabeth doesn't look like a terrible shooter. I'm so worried for Taylor, who stands there shaking. I make eye contact with her. I have a look of, "don't worry, it'll be okay" in my eyes to reassure her.

When Lunabeth is done learning, she stands in front of Peter's target. I hear the gun go off and Brendon catch his breath. I look and see that she missed Peter by a good two inches. Hopefully Taylor will have the same luck. Lunabeth repositions herself in front of Taylor and shoots. Then I hear a scream. Taylor's scream.

AN: I'm so mad! I got a word count app on my phone so I was typing on that. Well it doesn't have an option to save and the app crashed so I lost about 250 words. I had sent the beginning to my friend so I had the first 400ish words, but it's still annoying that I had to rewrite it. Okay, so I need you help. Sometime with in the next few chapters the characters will be playing truth or dare, so I need you to send me I'm truths and dares to use! The more the better! Thanks for staying with this story! I love you all! Bye!

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