Chapter 8

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Hey guys! So I FINALLY found time to update! I’m SO SO SO SO sorry for delaying! Please let me explain! On January 2nd I got my computer back from the repair shop. As soon as I got it back I started writing again. Well about a week after I got it back, I went and tested for an IB High School (I ended up getting in! YAY!). While I was in the building testing, someone broke into my dad’s car and stole my computer. I lost all of my writing. After a few days, my parents ordered me a new laptop. Once I got my new computer I started writing again. Then my great-aunt suddenly died and I stopped writing for about a week. Yesterday I decided it was time to get off my lazy butt, well actually stay on my lazy butt, and write. I was hoping to update last night, but I fell asleep before I could finish. I just want to thank everyone who reviewed/commented/favorite/followed. You are what motivated me to write again. Now, without any more of my excuses, here is the chapter.

Jenna's POV

Taylors scream is earth-shattering. It echoes off the walls. Everyone in the training room goes silent, and as still as death. I look over at Taylor, who has her eyes clamped shut, she's as stiff as a board. Then I see the bullet. I hear everyone exhale all at once.  The bullet is nearly a foot above Taylor's head full of  dirty blond ringlets. She begins to giggle wildly, she runs over to Lunabeth and hugs her tightly while still giggling.

Lunabeth's POV

My heart begins to rapidly beat when Four tells me to shoot at Taylor and whoever they chose for Brendan. It feels like my heart is a metronome set for 1,000 beats per minute.

Six takes me off to the side and briefly teaches me to shoot. I'm surprised to find out that I'm actually a decent shooter. I do a few more practice runs and then I think I'm ready to go.

I walk over to the target Brendon's brother is at. I think I heard someone call him Peter. I aim and my heart is pounding. What if I miss? I don't want to hurt him. Whatever. I need to learn to do this stuff if I want to pass initiation. My mother pulled a lot of strings to get me into Dauntless considering I was born factionless. As I shoot I close my eyes. When I don't hear screaming I open my eyes to see that I hit perfectly. Two inches from his head.

Thank God, I think as I sigh of relief. I would’ve felt terrible if I hurt him. Now it’s time to shoot at Taylor. I’m more scared of hitting Taylor than I was of hitting Peter. I think it’s because if I hit her I’ll be stuck with her hating me every day and seeing her every day until initiation is over. I take a deep breath and aice.m. I exhale, close my eyes, and pull the trigger all at once.

A scream. All I hear is Taylor’s loud, eardrum breaking scream. Oh no. I hit her. I open my eyes terrified of what I might see. I see her standing there looking perfectly fine and she’s giggling. The next thing I know, Taylor is hugging me really hard. I awkwardly hug back after a few moments. She scared the crap out of me!


“Uh…no problem,” I say.

I’ve always been a shy girl. There aren’t many factionless kids so I never really had friends. The only friend I had has two factionless parents so there’s no way she could manage getting into a faction. It’s a shame she’ll be stuck there forever. Oh well, I need to move on. I’m supposed to be Dauntless and I need to act like it.

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