Chapter 6

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Hey guys! I’m SO SO SO sorry I haven’t updated in a couple days! My mom was limiting my computer time until I finished my summer homework, which I finished yesterday. I was gonna update yesterday, but once I started writing a huge thunderstorm started and I had to get off of the computer. So now I’m writing again. And I HAVE to give credit to my friend Zoe because she is helping me write this chapter and has essentially taken it over. Tell me if you guys like this chapter and maybe Zoe will become a full time co-writer with me! Also, sorry for any typos. The y button on my keyboard isn’t working well.

***Tris’s POV*** 

Was that an engagement ring in his pocket!? Oh my God… I don’t know if I’m ready for this. I mean, I love Tobias, but the thought of marriage, the thought of droning on, and on, and on about my wedding, like Christina does, disturbs me.  A thought that doesn't disturb me though, is being tied to Tobias in every way, him being mine forever, me becoming Mrs. Tobias Eaton... I've never been the girly type, but imagining Tobias and me on a honeymoon somewhere beautiful, together alone lulls me to sleep. 

***Tobias's POV***

 As I walk out of the hospital, and in to the crisp, cool fall air, I touch the ring box in my pocket. I shake my head. Tris would never marry me. I know she loves me, and I know that she wants to be with me, but she’s not the marriage type. She has so much ahead of her. Who even knows if she would want to be with me? I catch the train back to our apartment, but when it goes past our apartment, I don't jump off. I just sit and think. The sound of the whirring train provokes my thought process. I pull the ring box out of my pocket, and open it slowly, flinching when I look at it. It suddenly disgusts me. The thought that she would actually want to marry me. Was I out of my mind? Tris has her priorities straight. She knows what she wants, and she will always get it. But thinking of how moody she was just when I tried to give her a cute (I thought it was cute at least) Pet name, she threatened to slice my neck open. What would she do if I proposed to her?? I close the ring box with the engagement ring in it and chuck it out of the train car. What was I even thinking? I need to get my head together. 

***Tris's POV***

 I got out of the hospital  a few hours ago. I've gone over what I saw in Tobias's pocket in my head over, and over. I decided to walk home from the hospital. I walked the back way for more time to think. If he was going to propose, I was excited, and I would say yes, but I just needed to think. I started to walk back on the train tracks, knowing that the train had looped around by now and wouldn't be back by for a little while. I watched the ground with every step; saw the bugs scurrying around, carrying crumbs of food. The Ants eating their dead family members made me wrinkle my nose in disgust. I kept walking. A little box caught my eye. It looked just like the one that had been in Tobias's pocket. I laughed at myself. Maybe I was delusional and going insane. I bent down and grabbed the box, opening it. I gasped and flung it down. Inside, was an engagement ring. I covered my face with my hands and rubbed my eyes. Okay, now I was definitely crazy. I picked the box up again, shutting it and shoving it in my pocket with haste. Engagement rings were expensive; I could probably take it to the jewelry shop nearby and try to return it or something. I broke in to a run, I ran as fast as I could shutting out my thoughts until I reached the little jewelry shop in the town that was rundown, but it was a town because after the war, we tried to get things to go back to normal so people set up shops. I ran in to the Jewelry shop and slammed the box down on the counter, not meaning to be so rough, but wanting answers.

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