Party. Meet Youtubes

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So the next day, Saturday, Party day, I woke up at 10. 10 freaking o'clock. I leaped out of bed to find Scott and Mitch at the table with Starbucks and Wyatt. "Hi kitty." I stumbled out in a pink nightgown that said 'It's never too early for chocolate' on it. I sat down and saw donuts. "DONUTS" I said.
Scott laughed. He scooped three onto a plate for me. A headlights, a powdered donut, and a chocolate kremé. (Yes thats spelled right). I sighed as he brought over bagels and fruity whipped cream cheese as well.
Mitch laughed as I sighed. We could probably eat a ton together. All three of us polished off twelve donuts, six bagels and two jars of peanut butter (courtesy of me and Scott). I sighed. "Aren't you forgetting something?" Mitch looked at me and said "Scott. Get it." He covered my eyes and I laughed nervously. Mitch uncovered my eyes and I saw a few boxes. I opened them.
A navy blue knee length dress was folded in it. "From Avi and Kevin." A pair of black woven slip-on flats were in box 2,. From Kirstie and box three held my most favorite gift. A small jewelry box. I opened it. A small golden locket settled on the bottom. I opened it. A picture of me, Mitch and Scott stared up at me. "Awwww, thanks." I realized I had started crying. The front had six diamonds on it. I hugged them and got changed.
"Mitch." He turned. "Scott come look." He smiled

We left after the other two got changed. We got in Scott's Honda and drove to Tori's where we got out and went to the door. Tori answered. "I still can NOT believe this," I said.
We walked in and Mitch immediately went to the food, Scott went to find Todrick and I froze.

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