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I was released 10 days later with a subscription for pain killers. Eww. So when I came back from visiting Skylar, I gasped. In between Scott and Mitch was a Smol Bean! A nine-yo girl was perched on the couch hugging the crap outta Wyatt! AND HE LET HER TOO!! I stared, bewildered at this spectacle..

"Marrisa!! This child is Mia. Your sister." Scott waved me over.

I kneeled. "Hi Mia!" Oh if they only knew.

She hopped off the couch. "Hello!" She chimed in her clear voice. "Wanna see my room?"

I nodded and followed her.

We got in her room and her eyes shifted back to their natural violet and silver color. Her hair darkened to brown. "I CANT BELIEVE IT!" She squealed. I nodded. "Shhhh Mia."

She cocked her head like a bird. She was getting dangerously close to reverting. "Ok. I have to change. It's been WEEKS."

I nodded and she walked carefully outside. "Mitch, Marrisa and I are going to go for a walk."

He nodded. And we walked down the stairs onto the back trail. Our apartment  had a backyard the size of kentucky!!

"Marrisa! Lets go!" Mia said. She began to pace. As I watched, her clothes became tighter, her hair became feathery and her movements became more and more jerky. Her jacket slid off her to reveal a pair of wings. Black ones. I left one power out. We all have to revert to an animalish form every 15 days. Which meant... I could feel the Tiger pushing. Mia laughed a high lilting laugh. I looked at her as I felt my muscles dance. It was becoming difficult to stand upright on two feet. I saw my vision blurring.

"Mia i don't wanna" i said over teeth that didn't fit right in a mouth that wasn't right.  Standing on all fours was my next idea and I began to want to more and more.

Mia giggled. "Come on! Your form is so pretty!" Her voice was beautiful.

I sighed. "No!" It came out as more of a whimper and  my hair stood on end. I released the tension and watched as it turned silver. I screeched as my eyes glowed and My teeth popped. My nails did too. And I immediately went back to normal, sobbing as Mia flittered about.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2016 ⏰

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