No Starbucks...

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I woke up to the smell of Starbucks and pancakes.

"Mm." I took a bite of the chewy chocolate chip infused pancake. "Who cooked this?"

Mitch pointed at Wyatt and Wyatt meowed. They both sighed. "Kevin."

I grinned. Kirstie and Kevin were the only two who could actually COOK. And Kevin's food was BÆ. "THANK YOU KEVIN!!"

My screaming woke up Skylar. She came grumbling out to the kitchen. Mitch flipped two pancakes on to her plate. She took a bite and sighed. "These pancakes are bæ."

"Kevin made them."

"Can Kevin deliver to my house everyday?" She joked. We laughed. Scott was sleeping in.

"Do you not sleep Mitch? You were up until two a.m! I swear!"

"Nope! My sleep is a cup of Starbucks! Momma needs her coffee!"

"Yes, or she gets grumpy." I had seen it first hand. The day after the party... Aah. Even Scott was scared.

"Do I wanna know?" Sky looked freaked.

"Let's just say... when he doesn't have Starbucks... you don't wanna see what goes down in the kitchen."


"So how're those 'cakes?" Mitch grinned and rubbed his hands. "Kurvy laced 'em up with a li'l something yummy. It's..."

I choked up my latest bite. "WHAT?!"

"...vanilla. Are you ok?"

I was standing and shaking. I had  gone pale and was staring at Mitch. "My past. Don't ever EVER say that you laced up my food or drink with something!! OH MY GOD YOU SCARED ME!!!"

Sky looked at me. "Calm yourself friend!"

I sat down and swallowed a bit of pancake. It was tough to swallow. I actually had to drink Starbuck's to wash it down. I finished my two pancakes and downed my "Buck's". I stood shakily. I told Mitch that I was going to get dressed. I went in my room and sat down. I whispered to myself,"it was vanilla flavoring. Marissa, it was vanilla."

"I hear you talking to yourself in there. Are you ok?"

"You're so sweet. I'm nuts. But lemme tell you a secret. All the best people are crazy."

"Well, you should stop the bittersweet tragedy. I'm always standing by if you need me."

I pulled off my nightgown and got into an "acca-scuse me?" shirt and pink shorts. I exited my rom. " thanks friend." Wyatt barged between us. "Aww! You're so FCUTE!!!"

Thank you guys for reading my really crappy story. It means a lot and I am going through some choppy waters in my life. I haven't updated sine April 7th. I am so sorry. 😘


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