For reals?!

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After the weekend, Mitch and Scott sat me down with Kevin and Starbucks "We let you get away with this for a few days, but now that tomorrow is here... we need to talk about schooling", Kevin stated.
I don't want to be homeschooled so I said so.
"There is a school not far from here, but when we're on tour I will tutor you. I'm qualified. I went to Yale as you may know. When I have time of course. So you will barely have school on tour."
"I'm always standing by if you need me."
The next day, Friday, I set off with a brand new backpack, binders, locket around my neck, and walked into Wickersham Middle school. My first class of seventh grade was Science. I sat down and Mr Aller said"We have a new student. Marrissa Grassi. Respect her please."
I sat down at at a desk, and went to get my science stuff. A girl with short blond hair ran in. "Mr. Aller, I'm here!"
"Can I go get a drink?" I asked.
"Sure." He directed me to the drinking fountain. As I traveled back to Mr. Aller's, I watched the girl from Mr. Aller's struggle to open her locker. I walked over and said, "need some help?" I leaned into it and pulled it open.
"Thanks! Marrissa is it? I'm Skylar Wood! So, what's with the Grassi part of your name? Are you and Mitch Grassi of PTX related?"
Mitch told me not to tell anyone, but she felt trustworthy. "I'm his adopted daughter", I whispered in her ear.
She was calm. "Really? Cool! My Aunt that I live with is Tori Kelly. And i'm second cousins with a crazy black man."
"I went to a party at her house and Sean was there. Where were you?!"
"Cool! Probably at volleyball. He is speciallll. Here are people to avoid; Johanna Kris, her aunt is Kim Kardashian. Emily Keadin, her sister-in-law is Katy Perry. Grayson Kuna's uncle is Macklemore. Melanie Underwood,better known as Lanie, her sister is Carrie Underwood. I call them the Jo and the Jerks."
I nodded. And then Grayson walked by. "Look. It's Skittles and M&m's!" She pointed at Skylar and Me.
Sky sighed. And I used my power. "Turn around and walk away. Alright?"
Grayson nodded. She obeyed.
And the bell rang. "We're late!" We screamed.
In Mr. Aller's Sky asked me what I did to Grayson.
"Umm nothing. I didn't do anything! She must have decided I wasn't worth it." I fiddled with my shirt.
"Ok, guys, settle down. Today, we are going to have a project. Pick a topic from Chemistry or Physics and use it in an example of a job. Pick a partner." I looked at Skylar. "Decide your topics."
Energy ex. Singing, I wrote. "And begin."
"I like that idea." She pointed at my paper.
"You should come over  and work on it with me", I said.
     ——-fast forward to after school——-
I walked into my home to see Skylar sitting there. "How'd you get here so fast?!"
"I live with Tori Kelly. Anything is possible. I can even stay the night!
I laughed. "Ok, let's get started."

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