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Posted the translation,please do check the previous chapter.Sorry for not posting it earlier.

Priya's Pov

Day 3

I woke up with a grin on my face and realised I am dreaming those days again.I always dreamt about him,Don't know why?I couldn't get rid of those memories though it has been two years so far.

He is really distrubing me.He wants me to live those moments again.He is not at all willing to lose a single chance though I am not entertaining him at all.

"Good morning"Mom wished me.

"Good morning"I wished her.

"Any thing wrong?"She asked me.

"Nothing,"I gave puzzled gaze.

"You left your spects in the bathroom last night and forgot to charge your phone.You missed your rotinue.Are you fine?"She looked so concerned.

"Work Pressure Mom"I lied very easily.

"You told me that Arjun is your new client so what is the problem then?"She asked me.

"Even though it's Arjun I have work,right?!"I said in a reckless tone.

"Take care"She patted my back.

"I will put an end to this"I thought to myself.

I did all my works and hardly eat anything.I reached the hospital and learnt that Arjun won't be present today.Reason is unknown to everyone.I felt something weird.I want to call him once.But I don't want to give him false expectations.

What happening to me?Why is am thinking about him?I shook my head twice and started doing my pending works.

"Mr.Arjun is not feeling well!"Mr.Nishanth is talking to someone on the phone.

I looked at him expecting some information.He simply smiled at me and went away.

"What is all this stupid suspense?"I felt irrirated.

"Why I am this much concerned about him ?"I asked to myself.

"Arjun sir came and he is asking you"Some one asked me to meet him in the conference hall.

"Hai!"He greeted me.

"Hai!"I just greeted him not a word more.

"Shall we start?"He asked me.

"Sure"I smiled.

I felt something wrong with him..His voice has changed.His eyes are so red.He is not well,It's truly evident.What happened?I am resisting myself hard not to ask him anything.

"Get in!"He is sneezing all the time.

I got into the car and he is driving.He is having cough and cold may be fever too.I shut my mouth very tightly.It's hard to keep calm while others are suffering infront of us.

"It's enough Priya!"He said suddenly.

"What?"I looked at him keeping a blank expression.

"I think we have already found the suitable site.Why to roam on roads with out a purpose"He sneezed again.

"Okay!We have to inform it to Nishanth then"I smiled a bit.

"Sure.I will tell him this today.I can see that the first was the best one among these places.It's away from pollution and near to sea."He said between coughs.

"Are you fine?"I can't stop myself asking him.

"Nothing!"He said and looked away.

"I am tired.I want to go home"He stated a second later.

"Sure"I nodded.

"I will drop you at Hospital"He drove me to hospital.

We got into the lift and suddenly he fumbled for a second.I caught his hand and found he is having temperature.

"You have fever"I looked at him with anger.

"Ah!Nothing"He gave a cold stare.

"We are in hospital.You consult a doctor."I said to him with full of sarcasm.

"I know that!"He sneezed again.

I sat there for few minutes.Doctor gave him some medicines.I am still unaware that why did he caught cold so suddenly?.I wanted to ask him but felt a bit hesitated.

I too wanted to take leave today.Want to be at home away from this tidious work.He dropped me at my home.

Mom saw him and invited him for tea.I didn't say anything except stood there grinning at him.He took a second but came in atlast.

"How are you Arjun?"Mom asked him.

"Fine aunty"He answered.

"Happy to see you after a long time"Mom patted his shoulder.

"Me too"He smiled back at her.

"What would you like to have?"Mom is enquiring his choice.

"Nothing aunty!"He waved his hand.

"He has fever."I informed Mom.

"Oh my god!"She saw him with a worried face.

"He has Cough and cold too"I looked at him.

"I will bring you Elachi Tea"Mom left us alone.

"What is the need to tell everything to aunt?"He mumbled

"Keep quiet"I gritted my teeth.

"I will leave now"He stood up but mom shouted from kitchen.

"Do you prefer sugar?"She shouted.

"Yes Mom!"I smiled devilishly.

"Please"He begged.

"Have it,It will clear your throat"I said calmly.

He didn't say another word rather drank it quietly.

He looked around and suddenly his eyes got fixated on something.

I saw what is looking at.The trophy.

"It was truly a nerve wrecking moment"He took it into his hand.

"Yes"I too agreed.

"When ever I look at this It makes me proud"He is feeling the metallic touch.

"Me too"I nodded.

"I have to leave"He said suddenly.

"Okay,Take care"It seems I swallowed the last word.

Mom asked me to accompany him till the gate.

I too agreed.

"How is it?"I asked  him.

"Nice.It is not as bad as I thought"He said the truth.

"I am shocked"He looked straight into my eyes.

"What?"I knotted my eyebrows.

"Opinions do change"He mumbled.

"But it is not true everytime"I answered.

"You didn't say anything to mom"He questioned me.

"Mom is more fragile than me"I laughed controlling my tears.

"Sowmya even told me the same thing.You didn't say a single word against us.How could we thank you?"He is very honest.

"Just leave it Arjun.That's what I am telling you.Nothing more is left to be felt and experienced.Let it be like that.Don't try to disturb our lives more.They are achieving the hormony slowly .Getting into track slowly.It took two years for me to get out of it,Please."I said seriously.

"Priorities and Choices do change Priya.Mistakes can be rectified.What all I need is a second chance.Just give me an other chance.I promise I will prove my love this time.After all it is the only life I have"He said.

"Love is an expression it has to be felt by heart Arjun"I spat hard.

"One day you will surely feel my love"He once again threw me in choas.

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