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Priya's Pov

"Thank you"I looked at the stuff he brought and thanked him.

Though I am embarrassed I couldn't stop myself from thanking him.

What he did is just unimaginable. 

"Where did you get all this?"I asked him soon.

"Just take rest"He didn't say anything.

"Please"I begged.

"Please"He gave a fake smile.

"Are you hungry?"He asked quickly without giving any chance to me to respond.

"Yes"I nodded.

He went to kitchen and brought me a bowl of noodles.

"When did you cook them?"He truly surprised me today.

"Mean while,You were sleeping"He winked.

"Sit"He dragged me to chair.

"But...."I looked away.

"Please"I begged.

"You have to"He insisted.

I sat calmly without a word.He served a hot bowl of noodles in front of me.

"Eat"He gave me a fork.

I sat there looking around with a pale face.

He dragged the bowl towards him and started feeding me.

I too ate calmly and have no courage to stop him,his actions.I am loving his attention,and absolutely happy for it.

"Where did you brought all this stuff?"I mustered some courage to ask him that question.

"I called soumya,She explained me everything"He fed me a bite and continued.

"I borrowed bike from watchman and brought them"He pointed at him who is cleaning the lawn.

"But,What about that Traffic Jam?"I asked quickly.

"Road is pretty clear now but I didn't dare to wake you up in the middle of the sleep"He mumbled.

"Oh!"I sighed.

"But I insist you stay here for this night"He said hiding his emotions.

"Okay!"I nodded.

"But...."I looked away.

"What?!"He looked at me.

"Mom?!...."I sighed,I am truly feeling embarrassed about the situation.

"I know,It would be pretty awkward so I told them that it's some emergency we are going to attend a friend's marriage or something.Call her now and tell her something!"He mumbled.

I did the same.I am curious about the birthday and wanted to know what had happened?!Prajwal?!Brunda?!I want to call Prajwal but....Something stopped me.

Meanwhile I called Mom and told her that I will tomorrow.She asked me to be carefull and learnt that Aunt came to know about Prajwal and Brunda,And happy for them.

I felt relieved and want to thank her,for accepting everything.

"See you Mom!"I cut the call and turned around to saw Arjun staring at me suspiciously.

"What?!"I asked him in a authoritative tone.

"Nothing!"He nodded.

He was about to leave the room turned to me suddenly came to me asked me quickly"Do you love him?!"

I felt different all of sudden,he is not the same Arjun I know.

"What do you think?!"I provoked him,Don't know what came to my mind.

"Why should I?!Why Should I think about him?!That...."He is controlling his anger.

I am really surprised,Arjun is controlling his anger.

"Prajwal has changed a lot!"I mumbled.

"Whatever,I have no interest!"He almost shouted.

"I don't love him!"I shouted.

"What?!"He looked at me.

"Yes!"I nodded.

"He loves Brunda!They both are in love"I confirmed.

"Hu..."He sighed,relieving the pressure.

"Yes!"I nodded.

"I pity her!"A sarcastic smile appeared on his lips.

"Insane!"I felt awkward.

"Really?!"He laughed aloud.

"Come on!"His words made my blood is boil.

"Leave,You don't about him!"He spat me.

"He is the one who told me the truth,Why you left me like that.He is the one who gave me my answers for which I am searching for.He is your brother"I felt humiliated.

"Brother!"He banged the door.

"Stop it!"I shouted.

"Hu...!"He banged the door again.

"You are humiliating me"I felt bad truly.

"He took away my love,He took away my life from me,now he returned and is trying  hard to take away mom from me,Sad part you are supporting him!"He blamed me.

"How could I do it to you?!How could you think like that?!I was there all the time for you.I love you,I love you with all my heart.I supported you all the time but you never loved me back.You left me insanely there and never look back.It was hard for me to move on.It took almost a year for me to move on,Now I am trying to lead a peaceful life you just returned back and made my life mess again!"I slumped there on the floor.

"I love you Damn it,I love you too.He was the one who blackmailed me.He manipulated your mom.I was truly helpless.Its about my family's reputation.It's about my mom and dad.People will talk about them,their loyalty.I don't want people to judge them,their characters that too at this age,Hence I kept quiet.I love you too"He sat on his knees said holding my hands.

I am so stringent to budge,He caught my hand and asked me to get up.I covered my face with my palms,crying.

"Get up!"He budged me slowly,gently.

"Aw...."I felt sudden pain in my stomach.I caught his collar and burried my face in his neck.

"Are you okay!"He asked patting my back gently.

"Menstrual cramps!"I whispered in his ear.

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