Chapter Three- Taken!

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A/N- Hey, Imma switch and do POV's now. It's just going to be easier for me to do. Thanks for reading!
Joel's POV
The next morning, I woke up and saw that Rachel and Lucy were still asleep. She had spent the night, but Leah had to head home for softball tryouts. Moriah and I were heading out to get groceries, and I left a note and leftover pancakes for the girls. We headed out, and Moriah kept watching a certain that was across the street from our house.

"Hey. Why are you watching them?" She shook her head, fiddling with her hoodie string.
"I don't know, I just.....I have a bad feeling about them." I took her hand, and pulled it close and kissed it.
"Hey, it'll be alright. They're probably just waiting for someone in that house. The girls will be fine." We got there, and an hour later, headed back home. As we got there, a police car screamed past us, and we saw Luke and Courtney's car in front of our house, along with two police cars. I pulled into the driveway, and as I was getting out, Courtney came up to me.

"Did Lucy or Rachel try to call you?" I looked at my phone. Nothing.
"No. Why, what happened?" She burst into tears, and Moriah came around, hugging her. I headed inside, and ran into Luke.

"What happened, mate? Where are the girls?" He sighed, running a hand through his hair.
"One of the neighbors saw them being carried off by three men. They got pictures of it, too." I felt like I'd been punched in the chest. Someone had seen them being carried off?! I felt kind of dizzy, and then everything went black. The next thing I knew, Moriah and Luke were kneeling over me, and she was crying. I slowly sat up, but my head was pounding.

"Are you alright? Sorry, I didn't mean to make you that upset. I-" I shook my head slowly, taking a breath.
"It's not your fault. You didn't know. How long was I out?" They slowly helped me stand, and we went to the bedroom that the girls had been in.
"Only a couple minutes." He knocked gently, coming in the door. A young-looking police officer stood in there, writing on a pad of paper.
"You must be Joel and Moriah. I'm Officer Dianna Parker. Did you all notice anything strange this morning before you left?" Moriah nodded.
"A black sedan was parked across the street, and I saw at least two men in the car. I didn't get the license plate number, though. Sorry." She nodded, writing that down.
"Did you see what either of the men looked like? Or were the windows tinted at all?" She shook her head.
"One was wearing a black baseball cap, and had a long beard. A white hat, and he didn't have a beard. They did both wear sunglasses, though. And there was a camera on the dashboard." She nodded again, still writing.
"Alright. That description does match what we saw in the pictures. We don't have names, though. I promise, we will keep looking, and we'll call you ask if we find anything." After another twenty minutes, they left, and it was just the four of us. Moriah and I sat on the loveseat, and Luke and Courtney were on the couch. Suddenly, Moriah burst into tears, burying her face in my shoulder. I hugged her, and I heard her saying something. Seventy-two hours.

"Moriah. Hey, what is that? What happens in seventy-two hours?" She took a deep breath, and she looked up.
"That's how long that the police say that people have to receive a ransom call. If there isn't by that time, then they're most likely....." Her voice trailed off. We all knew what she didn't want to say. They're most likely dead. Three days. Right now, all we needed was hope. If we didnt have that, we had nothing. I thought about one of the songs in the first album Luke and I had done. Hope Is What We Crave. I turned K-Love on, and surprisingly, that was the song that was playing. As we listened, I could sense a tiny bit of the tension in the room dissipate, but it was still there. But, we were all realizing that we still did have hope.

Hope sleeps without me,
Her sweet dreams surround me
But I'm left out. I need a fix now
To believe. To feel

These rooms are dark now
These halls are hollow, and so am I
She's hard to find now
To believe, to see

Hope us what we crave
And that will never change
So I stand and wait
I need a drop of grace
To carry me today
A simple song to sing
It's written on my soul
Hope's what we crave

I won't turn to dust now
Let these tears rust now
On my face, give me the spark now
To believe, to see

Hope is what we crave
And that will never change
So I stand and wait
I need a drop of grace
To carry me today
A simple song to sing
It's written on my soul
Hope's what we crave

To live, to die, to lose, to care
To rise above, to love again
To live, to die, to lose, to care
To rise above, to love again
To love again

Hope is what we crave,
And that will never change
So I stand and wait
I need a drop of grace
To carry me today
A simple song to sing
Hope's what we crave
I need a drop of grace
It's written on my soul
Hope's what we crave

Oooh, Hope's what we crave
Hope's what we crave

Hope's what I crave

Author's note- Hello! So, I'm considering changing the name if this book to Hope Is What We Crave. What do you guys think? And in the last chapter, Joel had the sunglasses with the glass made by EnChroma, and I'm here to announce that part of this story is true! As he put it on Instagram, Moriah stole his sunglasses, did some research, and had the lenses replaced with a glass made by EnChroma so that he can at least see some colour, since he's colorblind. If you guys want the link to that video, I will see what I can do about that! Just tell me in the comments! Love you guys! - Craver_Priceless

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