4. The next day

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My eyes try to open but they feel glued shut. The groan that emanates from me sounds like I've been wounded in battle. Well I suppose I have. The night before, our wedding night, was a battle in itself. I've heard first times are always bad but I never thought it would be that bad. Let's just say that in the end we didn't actually get anywhere.

I got through the wedding ceremony and reception with no problems. The gifts kept staring at me, willing me to open them but I knew I couldn't.

I can't wait to open them! Wedding gifts are the bomb!

Sadly, no amount of excitement for those gifts could stop me from feeling petrified about the wedding night.

When we arrived at the hotel, I totally freaked out. I couldn't bring myself to have sex with Gregory. I'm supposed to be saving myself for someone special, how can I let my first time be with someone I'm not attracted to? Sadly I know I have no choice now, I have to do it sometime. After all, I did marry him and I can't deprive the poor guy.

That said I did manage to stall for time. How? Well it was simple, really. I started crying, said I wasn't ready then said I couldn't talk about it. It's pretty lame but it worked. Gregory being the genuine person he is, wiped my tears away, kissed me and said he would wait until I was ready. That only made me feel guiltier but I was relieved I had some time to build up my courage for when I couldn't delay it any longer.

So why do I feel so rough this morning? I barely slept last night. I've never shared a bed with anyone before. Not even when I was growing up. Carly and I always had our own beds and if we had friends over, they would sleep on the floor. I refused to share. So suddenly having someone next to me freaked me out. Then there's the other problem. Gregory's snoring. The noise he makes sounds like a freight train right in our room.

I think I passed out in the end, more from exhaustion than anything but it was early hours when that happened. Now as the events from the day before come flooding back, I'm filled with a sudden dread. What have I done?

The wedding gifts, Teresa!

The thought comes to mind immediately and I break out into a grin. Of course! How could I forget? Checking to see that Gregory is still asleep, which is confirmed by his snoring, I jump out of bed pad into the kitchen.

The motel we're staying in is no more than three stars, it's pretty shabby in fact. It has one bedroom with an ensuite and an open plan lounge and kitchen. That's it. It's safe to say the whole wedding and wedding night have been a complete write off. Perhaps one day I will marry again and have a better experience. Perhaps.

Suddenly feeling emotional, I push those thoughts aside and focus on the here and now. I have wedding gifts to open!

Last night before Gregory and I left, there was a big kerfuffle about who would look after the gifts. First my Mum offered to take them home. Then Gregory's Mum made a scene and said she would. I let them squabble for a few minutes because, quite frankly, it was funny as hell. If anything, it was the highlight of my entire day.

When the squabbling got out of control, as was evident by the look of hatred in their eyes, I decided to speak up. I told them I would take them back to the motel so we could open them the next day. Well this caused even more bickering amongst the in-laws but I won in the end. One glare from me and one tap of my foot silenced both of them. No one likes arguing with a bride.

Now I'm glad I got my way, I need something to keep my mind off of things. This will certainly do the trick.

I sit on the floor in front of the gifts and tuck my feet under me. This is so exciting! It's no wonder people want to get married. The amount of gifts you get is overwhelming! Well, I'm sure people don't get married just for the gifts. Apart from me of course but that's neither here nor there.

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