16. The bombshell

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Hello! So so so sorry for the delay. Every time I think I'll update, something comes up. But here is a new chapter and I hope you enjoy. The good news is I'm already halfway through my next chapter so I'm sure I'll update again very soon. Happy reading!


When I arrive at the restaurant I see Russell sitting at a table for two waiting for me. I take a quick glance around and see the rest of the tables are taken up with other guests from the wedding. It feels weird looking at a group of people I don’t recognise. Well, apart from Jamie I suppose.

Russell looks up as I approach and smiles. Standing up, he comes around to pull my chair out for me. I smile my appreciation and sit down as he pushes the chair in again. Ever the gentleman.

He sits opposite me then gestures to the waiter who appears instantly.

Russell asks for a bottle of wine I don’t recognise then smiles across at me. Reaching over to take my hand he strokes the top of it with his thumb. I know we’re technically married but this is a little too intimate for my liking. Then again we are at our wedding reception so I suppose we have to act like the happy couple.

He smiles at me then says, “Thank you, Julia. What you did today saved my arse, it means a lot to me.” He lets go of my hand then gestures to the opposite side of the room. “A deals a deal and you’re welcome to the gifts as agreed.”

I turn in my chair and my eyes widen in delight at the large table covered in various sizes of gifts. The flutter my heart gives reminds me why I’m doing this.

They’re beautiful.

“Well I personally don’t see what’s so special about them but I’m not a woman.”

I turn back to him, my mouth agape in surprise. Crap, I just said that out loud! He winks at me and takes a sip of wine. I didn’t even notice the waiter return, I was too busy drooling over the amazing gifts.

“You weren’t supposed to hear that,” I respond. God I’m such an idiot.

Russell laughs. “What is it about women and gifts? What’s so appealing about them?”

I stare at him in surprise. Men! How do they even live?

I think about it for a moment then think of a perfect analogy. “Think of it in terms of a recipe,” I say. “You start off with a dash of excitement caused by not knowing what’s inside. Add in a teaspoon of what it could be, a cup of what you hope it is, a litre of surprise once you see what it is and what do you get?”

That is the weirdest analogy I’ve ever thought of but it works I suppose. I think the stress of the last day or so is taking its toll on me.

Russell looks at me as though I’ve lost my marbles. “A very strange cake?” he asks with a smirk.

I roll my eyes but can’t help but smile at his lame joke. “No you idiot. You get a huge bowl of delight.”

Shaking his head Russell grins and polishes off his wine. “You’re insane, Julia but we’re going to get on just fine.”

I take a sip of my wine, which tastes delicious I might add, and watch over the rim as Russell pours himself another glass. His eyebrows have drawn together and he pours it slowly and precisely, being careful not to lose a drop.

“That looks like a fine art,” I remark when he puts the bottle down.

He looks across and smiles sheepishly. “I hate spilling wine, it’s a sin.”

Well that’s another thing I’ve learnt about my new husband, he’s a wine lover. I’m about to comment when I notice a couple of people walking toward us.

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