Chapter Five: Truth Be Told Part One

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Thank you all for the likes and reviews. I greatly appreciate it.  This is a two parter. I hope you like and enjoy the next part. More to come.

Gotta love Charlie. :)


Chapter Five: Truth Be Told Part One

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Charlie asked her, watching her as she got her shoes on.

Kenzie shrugged, pulling her hair back into a ponytail. "Do I have a choice? You said so yourself they can do it."

"It's just what I heard." He corrected her. His search for answers didn't go empty handed; and when he learned valuable information Charlie returned to Kenzie to tell her what he had heard. And now she was going to visit these ghost hunters to see if they are able to help her.

He was concerned about her sudden decision to seek out these hunters. He didn't want her to get her hopes up and than be deceived if they turn out to be fakes. It would break his heart.

But he knew once she made up her mind, there was no way of stopping her. "Just be careful and watch your back."

She nodded, putting on her sweat shirt and grabbed her back pack. Her nerves were rattling and her heart thumping. She has never confronted anyone before, not like this. She hoped and prayed that she was doing the right thing. Ghost Hunters could be the answer she has been looking for ever since discovering the children and how impossible it is to try and free them on her own.

Or this could be the worst disaster she has ever put herself into. They could be fake and what she has seen on their show could very well be special effects. They could think she was crazy; some loony who escaped the crazy house or just a fan looking for five minutes of fame. She was hoping they would believe her...

Kenzie sighs softly and looked at Charlie. She gave him a half smile of uncertainty. "Wish me luck?"

Charlie glided the few inches to her and touched her shoulder. She could feel his cool hand through her sweat shirt, sending a chill up her spine. "If you need me just call and I will come. They give you a hard time..."

"I doubt it will be like that but I will." She reached for her house keys and shoved them into her pocket. "Try not to watch Gun Smoke on full blast. Mr. Samson is still trying to wrap his head around the last time when he knew I wasn't home. He thinks my tv is possessed."

Charlie laughed about it. Mr. Samson, the building's manager had entered Kenzie's apartment without permission so Charlie had a little fun. "He had no right entering when you weren't home Missy. I had to teach him a lesson." He stated, making his way to the living room. "Next time it won't be just the tv."

Kenzie shook her head. "Just keep it down." She calls after him as he disappeared into the living room.


The walk to the orphanage was a little peaceful, less traffic as night has fallen. She was only a few blocks away and the closer she got the more nervous she became. She never really put much thought into what she was going to say to them. Usually she had some sort of plan. It always worked out when there was a plan.

But not this time. This time she was going in blind. It was risky and there was a small part of herself that wanted to turn around and run away.

Kenzie stopped once she reached the driveway, a long stretch that curved around hiding the building's with trees and from the rest of the town. It was pitch black and eerie, she never paid attention to just how dark and creepy it was all the other times she walked it.

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