Chapter 1

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Hi I'm Jona Smecker. My dad is a ........ well.... he's not my real dad, but anyway my dad - Paul Smecker is a FBI agent. I became one to after he basically saved my ass when I was younger. He adopted me when I was 13 years old. I don't really know much about my real mom and dad. I only know that i have 2 twin brothers (We are triplets) and I know that I'm from Ireland and I have a talent for speaking a couple of languages because my mother found it useful. So we started learning Spanish, Russian, Italian, and German. I still don't know why she insisted on this and why she began leaning us as soon as we could speak..

But anyway I also know that we always went to church and I know my family prayer, because she learned us that to when we were able to speak. My dad found me while he was on a case. I was kidnapped when I was 6 and a half years old from Ireland to the USA. I lived in a small room and my kidnapper, his wife and son made me do all kinds of stuff. Like cleaning, cooking, entertaining and if the were mad... well let's just say that I was their punching bag too. When I was 11 years old I was found because the FBI came in our house. Turns out my kidnapper was an Italian mafioso. He and his wife were captured and their son was send to an orphanage. Paul Smecker found me laying in my little room and took me too the hospital. I had a big mouth towards my kidnappers wife and the kicked my ass almost to death that afternoon. 

Paul kept me company and explained a lot of stuf for me while I was at the hospital. About what happend tot the family and he asked me where I came from and if I knew who my parents and family was. I told him what I knew. After a while he took me to Ireland to go and look for my family we searched in Ireland, in the USA. We searched everywhere. Paul even tried the FBI data stuff. They told us that my whole familly was dead. I never believed it. But nothing came forth. We did this for 2 years and after that we gave up. Paul and I got along very well and he didn't want to lose me to an orphanage so he adopted me. 

I lived with him form than on and I even helped him on cases sometimes. I finally could go to church again but I had to go alone because dad wasn't religious. After I finished high school I went to the FBI Academie and after I graduated I went to Boston to work there at the police station. I only went to the church in the evenings because I didn't wanted to walk in to many people. I'm still a bit scared for people cuzz of my youth. Same with when I go out. I go early in the evening so I don't run in to much trouble.  I'm 27 now and live in boston. I have a apartment in the Irish neighborhood and I have 1 really good friend. Rocco is like my brother and I know him for almost 2 years now. I met him after I got pretty drunk. I had a rough day and had a couple of drinks to much than ran into him on my way out of McGinty's. I passed out and the next morning I woke up in his house on his couch. He told me that he didn't feel good about leaving me in the ally and he didn't knew where I lived so he took me home. Since than we were really good friends. 

I know he works for the italiaan maffioso's but he's just a package boy so no hard feelings. When I was younger me and my brothers didn't need to speak to each other. We could feel if something was up, and we thought the same. We were always tight with each-other. I could stil feel them with me so I knew that they were possibly alive. It's weird I know that but this way I don't feel lonely all the time. I still talk to my dad on the phone once in a while. You will never guess that I'm Irish because I live in the USA for 21 years I manage to cover it up pretty good. But once in a while I can't help but let my cover up go and get my Irish on.

Life is great,

Till i woke up the day after St.Patrick's Day.


Thanks for reading. I hope you like It. Comment and vote If you like it. Thankss bye xx 

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