Chapter 14

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" ahhhh shit! What the fuck?"

" dad ! Language "

" yeah right! Look my finger is bleeding so much"

" what? Show me"

I walked over to where he was trying to chop bell peppers. I washed his fingers and dressed it. It was a small scartch. Men! They fret too much!!

" it's good to have a doctor in the family, isn't it?" Dad exclaimed

I'm shocked. My father who always told me I'm born for business because of my amazing business skills, the one who did not speak to me for a month because I'm attending medical school, the one who used say I stink with hospital smell just told this.

" hello hello you there baby girl. Did you get lost somewhere?"

" Karan is this my dad?" I pointed to my father and I asked him.

" ya I'm starting to doubt too. I think I exchanged him with somebody else in that bar. Shit! It was that lady . Right?"

" what lady? Karan? Dad?"

" forget what this fellow is speaking Rhea. I want to tell you something. Maybe over lunch when everyone is downstairs and maybe with a toast"

" umm okay? But are you alright?"

He laughed and walked out of the kitchen.

I'm gaping like a fish. Me and Karan are looking at each other not believing what is happening in front of us.

" hey ! Babe you okay? Rhea!"

" huh ya. Oh Aiden, you changed. Good come on, help me with the food. These two are of no help"

" of course baby girl. But what happened? Why are both looking as if you saw a ghost?"

" I've never seen dad like this before Aiden. He seems different. I doubt if it's him"

He laughed and said maybe it's a miracle.

" miracle and M no ways dude. I'm sure it's the lady in the bar" Karan spoke

" what lady Karan? Did dad meet anyone? Dad?"
I asked dad who just entered the room with champagne.

" shut up you idiot. I think he just hit his head somewhere"

" uh uh I don't think so" Karan said

" madam Rhea? What should I make for desert?"

" uhh rose! I would love some brownies with ice cream and nuts if it's okay" dad spoke

" uh uh I umm of course sir" rose face was red and she ran.

" you scared the poor girl off dad. I guess she did not expect you to speak at all. Even she noticed the change"

One by one everyone came down changed.  We set the table and sat down.

" everyone I hope you are comfortable in your rooms?" Dad asked

" yes sir. You have a beautiful home"

"Of course I do. It's all my baby girls planning. I'm proud of her"

My heart just skipped a beat.

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