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Dear Jason,

Senior year has just begun, and you're back in town for our last year. You should've seen my face when I saw you got off your motorcycle and took off your helmet. I was beyond shocked; you've change a lot since the seventh grade. No more glasses, braces, and that hair cut that reminded me of how JB used to wear his,but now you're wearing a leather jacket, Ray bands, and your hair spiked up. You've change a lot in the past five years; as for me, I'm still kinda the same, but a little taller, almost 5'6, lost all of my baby fat, and team captain of the track team, but I don't think you'll care about all that because as soon as you took of your helmet, your lips were met by Maya, AKA the Queen Bitch. She kissed you like you guys have met before and that you guys had a thing going on. I was wondering, did you guys have a thing in the past?

When I saw you guys kiss it felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest; I guess my feelings for you didn't go away after you left. All the emotions I felt for you in the past suddenly came back in a large wave that hit me so hard I almost fell down. It's weird, I thought I was finally able to stop thinking about you two years ago, but now I know what everyone means. That it's always going to be hard to get over your first love because they were the first one to steal your heart before anyone else could.

Oh wait, I forgot; you must be wondering why I'm writing this letter to you (Even though you may never ever read it). It's because the feelings I feel for you can't always be bottle up and I can't tell anyone about it either, or else they'll think I'm some weird girl that is going to stalk and be obsess with you. Well I'm not any of that, I'm just simply in love with you or well the old you, but I think that side is still there somewhere. I just hope I can find it before it's too late, and that you'll feel the same way about me, too.


To the boy I once lovedWhere stories live. Discover now