Chapter 2 - A Sign Of Hope

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One Week Later
Cam and Lizzie were on a supply run looking through houses in streets,
"When do you think they'll come and get supplies?" Lizzie asked Cam,
"Six months" Cam told her,
"Haven't they got to find us first?" Lizzie asked,
"They've probably got people tracking us right now" Cam replied, Lizzie spotted a walker coming towards them,
"I've got this one" Lizzie told Cam, she walked up to it and she got out a kitchen knife, she tripped the walker up with her leg and it fell she then dug her knife into the back of its head.
"Nice moves" Cam told her,
"Thanks, I've been working on that, there's no point getting into a fight with one of them trying to dig a small knife into his skull" Lizzie replied. Cam and Lizzie searched house by house until the sun began to set,
"Let's head back now" Cam said as he shut one of the houses front door.

They went through a forest until they came to the church, it was fortified by spikes coming out of the ground,
"Cam look, this tree has an 'S' carved into it" Lizzie pointed out, Cam looked over her shoulder,
"Don't worry it's just a groups symbol, they don't mean any harm" a voice said from behind them, they turned around and saw a women,
"Who are you?" Cam asked,
"I'm Kelsie and I want to help you and your group" Kelsie told them,
"We don't want any trouble" Cam said,
"Neither do I and it looks like you're in a bit trouble yourself" she said,
"How do you know?" Cam asked,
"Well by the looks of your faces you're in fear of Jordan, and so you should be, but I want to take you back to my home, Olympus we call it" Kelsie told them,
"To be honest we've got nothing to lose but I'll check with my group" Cam told her.

Once they were inside Kelsie was welcomed and she took a seat,
"Olympus is a place of welcoming and I'm a tracker which means that I find people and I watch them for a while and bring them back" Kelsie explained,
"Why do you go out all the time knowing that Jordan's group is outside?" James asked,
"We've have an agreement that if we give them half of our supplies they don't hurt us" Kelsie replied,
"Do your think that your place will accept five people?" Cam asked her,
"Definitely, we're trying to grow the community" Kelsie told him,
"But Jordan's group isn't the only thing to be fearful about around here" James told everyone,
'What do you mean?" Cam asked,
"The tree has an 'S' written on it" James replied,
"Oh The Soulless, they're just minding their own business, they've told our group already that they don't want any trouble or even cause the trouble themselves" Kelsie told them,
"Why do they have name that is so negative?" Daisy asked Kelsie,
"I'm not sure, I don't know too much about them, they're very secretive people I do know that they have a very old wise leader though" Kelsie replied,
"Well now that's in the open can we leave?" Cam asked,
"Do you need to pack?" Kelsie asked him,
"We haven't got anything because Jordan took it all" Cam told her,
"Ok then let's leave" Kelsie told them all.

By morning they had made through the forests until they came to a large wall with a gated entrance,
"That's it, that's my home, Olympus" Kelsie told them,
"Do you have a leader we need to speak to?" Cam asked,
"Yes her names Clara" Kelsie replied, then the gates opened and a woman was there to greet them,
"Hello there, I'm Clara and I'm the leader here" Clara said in delight, no one answered, "a bit shy?" Clara asked,
"They've been through a lot lately, they e just met Jordan" Kelsie told her,
"Oh my well it's best you lot get cleaned up and when you're ready go to house 44 as we're hosting a party just for you newcomers" Clara told them. Cam went through the gates and saw a structured street just like Charles' home...

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