Chapter 3 - Party

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"You good?" Daisy asked Cam,
"Yeah, I'm good" Cam replied and they both walked down the street.

"So this is where you'll be living, although you can have the house next to it as well if you need it" Clara told them,
"I think we'll all stay in the one house, for security" Cam told her,
"I understand completely" Clara told them and she walked off to let them settle in.

Once again Cam went inside the shower and cleaned himself up after a long time on the road. He got out and shaved his beard off again. He then got a pair of scissors and began cutting his own hair. Once he had finished Lizzie knocked on the door, Cam opened it and she was stunned,
"Wow, the beard, the hair" she said in shock,
"Is it that bad?" He asked,
"No just different" she replied,
"Good" Cam said. He went into one of the wardrobes and got out a shirt and some jeans and he went to the party.

Cam and Lizzie knocked on the door of the party and Clara opened it,
"Glad you could make it and you've brought your daughter as well" Clara said,
"She's not my daughter, i was a friend of her dads" Cam told Clara,
"Oh ok" Clara said and she invited them inside. Cam was given a beer and he began to mingle with the crowd of people, he counted about a hundred people in the house. He looked to a corner and saw Kelsie arguing with what looked to be her husband, he was trying to kiss her all over her neck but she kept pushing him away. She walked towards the door where Cam was,
"Is everything okay?" Cam asked,
"It's that man, he's been trying to flirt with me since he got here, I can handle it though" Kelsie replied,
"Well ok I'm here if you need help" Cam told her and she left the party, a couple of minutes later he saw the man leave as well. Cam didn't worry too much about it and he saw Daisy in another corner by herself he went over to her,
"Not right is it?" Cam asked her,
"No it's not, parties are something I never thought I'd see again and I don't like it knowing what's out there" Daisy replied,
"I'm here for the beer anyway" Cam said,
"I don't even know what I'm doing here, I don't even drink" Daisy told him,
"You know, if you really want to leave Kelsie got a man who seems to be staking her a bit, do you reckon you could go to her house and find out what's happening?" Cam asked,
"Yeah okay, gets me out of this place anyway" Daisy replied and she left.

Daisy left the party and it was now cold and dark outside, she walked over to Kelsie's house and saw the man go inside, she ran over and out her ear against the door,
"Help help!" She heard Kelsie cry, Daisy went inside and saw the man on top of her, Daisy went outside to where she saw a wrench and she went back inside with it, she went behind them and she smacked the man on the head of it. Kelsie screamed as the whole of the man's weight fell on her, she dragged him off and saw Daisy panting with the wrench in her hands. Blood began to come out the man's head,
"Oh shit" Kelsie said,
"We need to tell Clara what happened" Daisy said,
"No we can't, if she find out that someone has been murdered she will send us both on the road" Kelsie told her,
"Okay fine, you get Cam and bring him here" Daisy told her,
"Why me?" Kelsie asked,
"Because I'm the one with blood on my hands" Daisy replied and then Kelsie ran out to get Cam.

Cam came knowing that something had gone terribly wrong and he slowly walked around the corner and once he saw the dead body he fell against the wall,
"What have you done?" He asked,
"He was going to rape her and if I did anything else he would have done the same to both of us" Daisy replied,
"But you could have done something else other than kill him couldn't you" Cam told her,
"I didn't think it would kill him" Daisy told him,
"Well now we've got to deal with a body" Cam said,
"What if someone finds out?" Kelsie asked,
"They won't, we'll hide the body in the house somewhere and in the morning I'll ask Clara if I can go on a run and I put the body in the car and I'll drive off and burn it somewhere" Cam explained,
"I'm not going to sleep knowing there's a dead body in my house" Kelsie told him,
"Well don't sleep then" Cam told her...

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