Chapter 4 - Clearing Up

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The next morning Cam went outside and walked to Clara's house and knocked on the door, a couple of seconds later she answered,
"Have you got a minute?" Cam asked,
"Of course come in" Clara said,
"I was wondering if it was possible if I could go on a run today?" Cam asked her,
"I don't see why not" she replied,
"It's just that I need to be out instead of being stuck behind the walls for the whole day" Cam told her,
"I understand, you can use the car on your driveway" Clara said.

Cam drove the car to the front of Kelsie's house, he got out the car and walked straight into Kelsie's house,
"You could've knocked" Kelsie said jumping from her couch,
"There's no time, I've got the car out front so help carry the body into the back" Cam told her, they picked up the body and made their way out through the front door and they quickly put the body in the boot. What Cam didn't know was a man was looking at them through his window.
"Clear up the blood from the floor and then we should be in the clear" Cam said,
"Until the realise he's gone missing" Kelsie reminded him,
"If there's no evidence that he's dead then they can't do anything can they" Cam told her and he then drove off and out of the gates with no one stopping him

Cam drove twenty miles away from the gates and he then parked the car on the road, he got out and went to the back and opened it up, the body was wrapped in cloth but Cam could still smell it, he then picked up the body and began walking into the woods, ten minutes later he put down the body and was about to collect wood until he heard a gun load behind him, he turned around and saw a man,
"Who are you?" Cam asked as he put his hands up,
"I'm from Olympus and I know what you've done" the man told him,
"What your name" Cam asked,
"Ben" the man replied,
"Ben how about you put that gun down and we'll talk about this" Cam said,
"Or else?" Ben asked,
"You're gonna wish you had" Cam replied, he then went for his sidearms but Ben took a shot and it hit him in the arm, Cam got his sidearms and shot Ben straight through the brain,
"I wish I still had a hat revolver" Cam said to himself, he dragged Ben body over to the other body and carried on collecting wood. Once he had found enough he pilled it underneath the bodies and went back to the car, he got some gasoline and brought it back. He then covered the bodies and wood with gasoline and he then set it alight by lighting a cigarette and chucking it on to the bodies. Cam held a hanky over his mouth to stop him for inhaling the smoke, once he knew that the bodies couldn't be identified he went back to the car and drove back to Olympus.

He parked the car back on to the drive of Kelsie's house and he went inside,
"It's done" Cam told her,
"Any trouble?" She asked,
"No, none at all" Cam replied, "you can have your cigarettes and lighter back" he told her,
"Do you not want one?" Kelsie asked,
"I don't smoke and I'm not staring any time soon, even if the world has gone to shit" Cam replied and he left the house.

He went back to his house where all of his group were staying in,
"Daisy" Cam said when they were all in the front room, she went to Cam and he took her to another room,
"It's done" he told her,
"And it went smoothly?" She asked, he hesitated...

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