Chapter 12 - Discovery

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The following day Cam and his men were back at their home,
"It's not too bad here is it?" Cam asked Lizzie,
"No it's nice, but most importantly it's safe" Lizzie replied, "why didn't you take the revolver off Jordan?" She asked,
"Because I've moved on, the revolver is my past and so is my machete he has" Cam replied,
"What's the plan today?" Lizzie asked,
"I'm going out on a run and it's up to you what you want to do" Cam told her,
"Well in that case I'll come with you" Lizzie said,
"Very well" Cam told her.

Cam went outside with Lizzie and put her on a horse,
"I used to do horse riding when I was little" Lizzie said,
So you won't need my help then?" Cam asked,
"No you'll be needing mine" Lizzie replied and she rode away from him, Cam laughed and he then went on to his horse and followed her.

Cam and Lizzie raced away from The Soulless building and Lizzie stayed in front most of the way,
"We should stop for a while now" Cam told Lizzie,
"Why?" Lizzie asked,
"the horses will get tired" Cam replied. They got off and they began walking down a street until they came to a gas station, Cam went inside and found some chocolates bars on a shelf, he picked them up and noticed that there was nothing else taking in the station and he walked outside,
"Here" he said to Lizzie as he chucked her a chocolate bar,
"Thanks" Lizzie said and they both went back on their horses but suddenly there was a noise from the station,
"Who's there?" Cam asked as he got off his horse and got his bow at out a woman came walking  out of the station with her hands up, she had short brown curly hair and had two samurai's crossed behind her back
"Hello there" the woman said,
"Who are you?" Cam asked,
"Izzie" she replied,
"And what are you doing here?" Lizzie asked,
Doing the same as you, scavenging, is that not a normal thing to see in this world?" Izzie asked back,
"No, you'd be lucky to find a normal person these days" Cam told her,
"Well clearly you've crossed paths with Jordan" Izzie said,
"That obvious?" Cam asked,
"Yeah, but it looks like The Soulless are keeping them away for now, they've changed their ways a bit the soulless, they very rarely came out of hiding but now they seem to be there whenever there's trouble" Izzie replied,
"Must be the new leader they've got, must be one hell of a leader" Cam told her, Lizzie looked at Cam and Cam gave her a cheeky smile and she gave him one back.
"Who's group are you from then?" Izzie asked,
"Who's says we have a group?" Cam asked her,
"Everyone around here has one, are you from Olympus?" She asked,
"We used to be, we got a better offer" Cam replied,
"You can't get much better than the Olympus" Izzie said,
"You can if it is The Soulless" Cam told her,
"You are joking?" Izzie asked,
"Nope, I'm also their leader if it makes it more believable" Cam told Izzie,
"Ok, you're having me on" Izzie told him,
"No, jump on the back of my house and I'll prove it" Cam told her,
"You know my Mum taught me to never follow strangers" Izzie told him,
"Even when the dead are walking around the earth?" Cam asked,
"Fair point" Izzie replied and she then jumped on.

Back at the compound Cam was met by Kieran who had some news for him,
"Cam, we've found them" he said,
"Found who?" Cam asked,
"Jordan's group, they have a camp" Kieran told him,
"Everyone knows, it's not far from here" Izzie said,
"You know where they are?" Cam asked,
"I thought very one knew" Izzie replied,
"Well for two years I've been trying to discover their location so clearly not everyone" Cam told her, "anyway, we will attack tonight get everyone ready" Cam told Kieran,
"I'll go wash myself" Izzie said,
"Take as long as you want because you are not coming, we've only just met you let alone trust you" Cam told her,
"Trust me or not, but I assure you that you're gonna need me" Izzie told him and she wondered off into The Soulless compound...

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