Chapter 5 - Honesty

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"Someone followed me out of the gates and to where I was about to burn the bodies" Cam told her,
"And then what?" Daisy asked,
"I killed him" Cam replied,
"Now we've got to somehow cover up two missing people" Daisy told him,
"We wouldn't be in this situation if you didn't kill the first person" Cam told her,
"What are we going to do?" Daisy asked,
"Keep it between us, as far as Kelsie knows we're only responsible for one person" Cam said.

Cam heard a knock on his door and he went to answer it, it was Clara,
"We have some kids here and I was wondering if Lizzie would like to join them?" Clara asked,
"How old are they?" Lizzie asked as she came to the door,
"We have two girls who are eleven and three thirteen year old boys" Clara told her,
"Ok, I'm eleven as well" Lizzie said and she followed Clara out the door,
"Cam can you come as well, I need to speak to you" Clara told him, he shut the door behind him and he followed both of them out.

"I've been trying to find you all jobs to do while you stay here and I've found the perfect one for you" Clara told him,
"What is it?" Cam asked,
"Well we've always wanted to find new ways to improve Olympus and knowing that you like to be out the walls instead of being locked up maybe you an help and discover new opportunities" Clara suggested ,
"If no one else wants it I'll have take it" Cam said,
"I want you to have it Cam, so that's sorted then you start tomorrow" Clara told him,
"Thank you" Cam said.

That evening everyone was called to the centre of Olympus for a meeting,
"Good evening everyone, today I've got some terrible news" Clara said,
"You don't think?" Daisy whispered to Cam, he didn't answer,
"Two of our own have gone missing, we haven't got them listed as outside the walls so they have either snuck out or something horrific has happened inside the walls" Clara told them,
"Shit" Cam whispered back to Daisy.
"If anyone has any information please tell me" Clara said and she then walked away, everyone was speaking amongst themselves and Cam and Daisy walked back to their house,
"What should we do?" Daisy asked,
"Well we know we can keep our mouths shut but can Kelsie?" Cam asked Daisy,
"I don't know" Daisy replied. Cam grabbed a gun and tucked it into his trousers and we walked out the door.

He knocked on Kelsie's door and she answered it,
"We need to talk" Cam told her as he invited himself in,
"What is it?" She asked as she shut the door behind him,
"The meeting" Cam replied,
"I didn't go" Kelsie told him,
"Exactly, they've realised that he's gone missing" Cam told her,
"Shit" Kelsie said,
"Someone else has gone missing as well, but we know that's got nothing to do with us" Cam said,
"I'm happy here and I don't want to be kicked out because someone was killed trying to rape me" Kelsie told him,
"You'll be safe as long as you keep your mouth shut, I promise" Cam assured her, he then left the house and returned to his.

"You didn't did you?" Daisy asked,
"What?" Cam asked,
"Kill her" she said,
"No of course not" Cam told her,
"Is she going to keep quiet?" She asked,
"I hope so" Cam replied...

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