Chapter 6 - Unexpected

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The next morning Cam woke up knowing that he was starting his new job in Olympus,
"Can I come?" Lizzie asked,
"I don't see why not" Cam told her. They both got ready and they took a car outside the walls, they drove through a town until they came to a huge field, at the far end of the field was a wall right the way across, they got out and walked across the field, they got to the wall and they looked over,
"Just as I thought" Cam said, he was looking at a harbour, the sea was out and there was just mud with boats stuck on it,
"Wow" Lizzie said in surprise,
"This must be where Olympus gets its water supply" Cam said,
"But it just mud" Lizzie told him,
"When the tide comes in it will fill the harbour, that's why there's a wall here so that the sea can't get over" Cam explained,
"There's a hill with a ariel on it over there" Lizzie pointed out,
"Okay lets go" Cam told her and they followed the wall down to some woods, Cam got out a knife and went into the woods,
"Walker" Lizzie said, she got out her kitchen knife and tackled out its legs and stabbed it in the back of the head, Cam smiled and they moved up the woods until they came to the top of the hill, they walked over to the ariel,
"I doubt will get any power but it's worth a shot" Cam told her, he then messed around with the cables but got nothing to work,
"Oh well" Lizzie said and they went back down the hill.

Cam spotted a huge water funnel that would clean the water and run it up a river towards Olympus,
"Let's see if this works" Cam said, he began messing around with the cables on the funnel and managed to get it working, the funnel began spinning and he began running clean water down the river,
"Perfect, now let's follow the river" Cam told Lizzie.

"Do you think that this will help Olympus?" Lizzie asked,
"Well the water source isn't that strong at Olympus but maybe this might boost it so that every house will get water flowing through it" Cam told her,
"What about heating?" She asked,
"Every house had heating so maybe this will also generate electricity like a barrage for the houses for heating" Cam explained. Suddenly there was a gun shot and it hit Lizzie in the leg, Cam picked her up and he ran with her in his arms. There's was more guns being fired as Cam ran down the river until he came to a tree that had fallen and blocked the walkway and the river, Cam turned around and realised that five men from Jordan's group had followed him,
"Sorry we're a bit late but we're here for our half of your supplies" one of the men said,
"We have nothing" Cam said,
"Well if you don't then we're just going to have to kill you just like Jordan explained" the man said,
"Go on then do it, shoot me!" Cam shouted, the man pointed at his men and they moved towards Cam and chucked Lizzie out of his arms, they the began kicking Cam and he began to bleed,
"I thought we made it clear that you give us your shit or you will be punished" the man told Cam, he didn't reply but instead took the beatings. All of a sudden three horses came flying over Cam and there were men with sticks riding them,
"Stop this evilness or you'll be the ones who will be punished" one of the horse riders ordered, Jordan's men stood away form Cam and they ran away. Cam's vision was blurred but he could see that one of them got of their horse and knelt down besides Cam,
"Don't worry, we'll get you home, wait guys we're losing him, check the girl" the man said and Cam blacked out...

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