Chapter 14 - Never Forget You

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"Shit" Cam said and he stood up and walked over to the centre,
"Good, now I would get you on your knees but that seems a little bit repetitive doesn't it" Jordan said and he then laughed until Cam got on his knees,
"If it gives you pleasure, then get that weapon of yours and hit me round the head with it" Cam told him,
"You've put the fun out of it now, but what about your lover here?" Jordan asked and one of his men then brought Daisy forwards,
"I thought you were single" Izzie said to Cam looking sad,
"I am" Cam told her,
"Oh what a shame, but I know she still has feelings for you, I tell you what I've got a baseball bat here, a normal one, but I won't kill you" Jordan told Cam, Jordan given a baseball bat and he went behind Cam,
"Sleepy time" Jordan said and swung the bat round into the back of Cam's head, Cam could here an echo of Jordan's voice, "don't worry he'll live" he said.

"Hello" a girls voice said,
"Hello" Cam said as he looked around, suddenly everything became clear and he was in his old bedroom and looking at a girl who's face he would never forget,
"Are you okay?" She asked,
"I've missed you so much" Cam replied as he hugged her,
"Missed, I've only been gone five minutes, you passed out on the floor" she told him,
"Ella, I'm so sorry, everything that's happened has been all my fault, my choices" Cam told her.

He looked again and was now looking at Ella who was lying against a tree and he was holding a gun at her,
"Remember what I told you?" Ella asked,
"Of course I do, I've never forgotten it" Cam replied, "you told me that Joe and Rebekah needed me and they're both dead" Cam told her as he began crying,
"I told you, each other" Ella said,
"What?" Cam asked,
"Each other, that's what the worlds about, that's what we fight for" Ella replied,
"But Joe and Rebekah" Cam told her,
"Don't worry about us Cam, there's people who are alive that need you, not us, Daisy, Lizzie, Carlos, James" Joe told him, Cam turned and looked at him and saw Joe and Rebekah holding hands looking at Cam who was still pointing the gun at Ella,
"Could you?" Ella asked,
"Could I what?" Cam asked her,
"Pull the trigger again, knowing that this time it's not real" Ella told him,
"No, I don't know how I done it the first time" Cam told her,
"People are going to die Cam but there will be less of them if you try your best to lead them to safety, you're the leader of a fully armed group Cam" Ella told Cam,
"I've been so selfish" Cam said,
"No you were heartbroken, everyone that you loved kicked you out, but they didn't have a choice, just like Lizzie didn't" Ella told him,
"I wish you were all still here, it would be easier, I've got nothing to fight for anymore" Cam told them as he pointed the gun to his head,
"Wake up and realise that this world needs you, more than you know it!" Ella yelled at him tearfully, "shoot yourself and give up, or shoot me and move on, your choice" Ella told him as she began to calm down,
"I believe in you" Rebekah told him, Cam had tears pouring down his eyes,
"I'm so sorry" Cam pointed the gun back at Ella,
"No I'm sorry, nothing can prepare your for what's about to happen" Ella told him, he looked confused but before he could say anything his surroundings began to change again.

Cam woke up right where he left off but on the floor,
"See told you" Jordan said,
"You're crying" Daisy said to Cam, he looked at her in a sorrowful way,
"Why did you call her Athena?" Cam asked Jordan as he looked at Izzie,
"Because she used to lead one of the groups I controlled, makes sense doesn't it, Hades, Athena, if it makes it more enjoyable there's also a Poseidon" Jordan told Cam as he laughed his way through his sentence,
"You think this is joke, I've got my men waiting to attack on my mark" Cam told Jordan,
"Well I better be quick then" Jordan said as he went over to Izzie and took a samurai from her back, he went over to Daisy and got her on her knees, he held the samurai sword facing her back,
"Don't please, I'll tell them to leave, please just kill me, not her, me!" Cam begged,
"I don't think you understand Cam, I like hurting you, killing you would be too easy" Jordan told him, "Daisy, everything you've gone through not just with your family but with Cam, I know it hasn't been easy, but to make this easier if Cam won't tell you then I'll tell you for him, he loves you, more than anything" he told her and he pierced the samurai into Daisy's heart and her mouth opened and blood came pouring out, he released the samurai and flicked the blood off of it,
"No!" Cam yelled and suddenly The Soulless came running from the front gate and from the grass around the camp. Jordan fled and Cam got up and went over to Daisy,
"It's ok, stay calm" Cam said supporting her head,
"Hey, thought I'd never feel your hand again" Daisy told him as she held Cam's hand,
"And it's not going to be the last, don't worry about that just stay with me Daisy" Cam begged now in tears,
"Cam I need to tell you before I can't tell you" Daisy said to Cam,
"It's doesn't matter, you can tell me later because you're going to be okay" Cam told her, Lizzie was standing behind Cam also in floods of tears,
"I love you Cameron and I'm so sorry for what I've done to you" Daisy said feeling the side of his face,
"I love you too Daisy" Cam said as her hand fell to the ground. Cam buried his head into her chest and began crying and screaming in agony. Izzie and Lizzie watched but around them was a huge battle which had only just begun and no one realised how bloody it was going to be...

Dead Blood Will Return In Episode 7!!!

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