Chapter 2

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"Okay so I need to preform? Like sing!" I say not ready, I never sung in front of anyone yet. Sure my friends but not Vidcon why now.

"Yeah Troye you just need to sing you sing Touch." My manager says to me.

"No I can't!" I say ruffling my hair.

"You do it all the time." She says while I walk in circles.

"Yeah in front of friends." I say muffled so no one hears me. I walk back and forth on my feet and then I hit something.

"Oww." I say and look up holding my head from hitting it.

"Oww sorry I didn't." The familiar voice comes threw my ears.

"Sorry Connor I didn't mean to run." I say before he cuts in.

"No, no its okay it's my fault for not watching." Connor says fixing his hair.

"It's okay Connor really." I say rubbing my head again.

"Do you have a panel today?" Connor asks after a couple of minutes of silence. His friend Zoe is with him, I know her from videos she is a beauty guru.

"Actually I have to go on stage and sing my song. I never sang in front of people before." I say not lying to Connor.

"I think you will do great Troye do you want me be there? Or I can leave?" Connor says the beginning low but I heard him.

"You can watch if you want it's just I have a album and I am supposed to preform later today." I say and he nods. We stand there for a couple more minutes.

"Well I guess I should let you go." Connor says and I just stand there I want to hang out with him he seems so cool I want to get to know him more and he is quite good looking as well.

Troye you can't like him. He isn't gay why would be be. He probably like Zoe anyways like she is quite beautiful as well. I look up and see Connor walking away.

"Connor wait!" I say running up to him and grabbing his wrist.

"What?" He says turning around and I see Zoe smile a big smile.

"I was wondering after all this Vidcon day is over would you like than hang for a bit your into coffee right?" I ask knowing he is because of his videos.

"Ye...yeah I kinda am." Connor says out of nerves.

"Well you have my number just text me when your done your panel today and I will talk to you later about details." I say kinda confedent. What has gotten into me lately. All confident, maybe it's just Connor he is really cool and he seems like the kinda guy I want to hang out with.

"Okay. I will be there for when you preform." Connor says and I smile.

"Oh and also Connor. If you want I can come to you panel if you want." I say to him and he nods slowly.

"Sure you can if you want." Connor says shaky.

"Okay I will be there with you." I say and he nods I start walking slowly and I heard Zoe scream a little in exitment. I smile a little, I don't think Connir is good at talking to people that's why. Well I guess I should just leave it for now, and go talk to my mom at the hotel we are staying she came this time because she knew I am not good at traveling well. I get sick or get very nervous on planes. I pick up my phone and about to call her when an unknown number comes up on my phone.

Hey Troye.

Oh and BTW it's Connor.

Oh okay thought it was a fan you made me almost have a heart attack.

Sorry no its just me. Just wanted to make sure this is you. Also to put in my contacts.

Okay I will do the same.

Okay I gtg now I will message you after.

Okay see ya after.

Yup. :)

Wow he is more confident with the texting. I am more confident talking in person wow. They do say opposites attract. NO Troye he isn't gay! Stop telling your self that. My parents don't even know! So why are you telling your self he is gay to get your hopes up!

I always get my hopes up. Too much actually. So many times people just break the hope. Like my old girlfriend. This is when I didn't know I like boys. But I can't even talk about it now. It's too horible the only person who knows this is my sister. I need to call my mom.

"Troye you have to be here at 2:30." My manager says and I nod and walk away she knows me well so she knows I am either going for a walk or back to the hotel room.

"Hello? Tro is that you?" My mom's voice coming threw the phone.

"Yeah its me." I say sounding a little sad I don't know why.

"What's wrong honey? You not feeling well." My mom says I want to tell her I am gay why is it so hard to tell the women thay birthed me that I awmfem gay. I am keeping a secret from everyone, my mom, dad, sister and two brothers. Why can't I be normal. Like girls not guys.

"Yeah... that's it." I say and she sighs.

"Okay we are back in our room. If you want to come back." My mom says over the phone.

"Okay be there soon." I say three the phone and hang up. I start to walk slowly towards the hotel where my parents are at. I put my headphones in and think about what life has become, being a Youtuber is hard, being a singer is harder, I never done a tour before and wasn't planning on it. I only have like 2 million subs and they love my music, why me they don't know the real story of my life only what I put on YouTube. No one knows I am keeping a secret from them. It's horible lying to everyone asking if I have a girlfriend and I say no not intrested in a relationship. Although I am I won't find a guy good enough for me. I walk into the hotel and wipe the tear off my cheek I don't know why I am crying but I am and I hate my self for being weak. I walk into the elevator and click my floor. I start walking down the hall I hate how my room is so far. I wipe away another tear then I hit someone's shoulder.

"Troye?" The voice makes my ears perk up and I start walking faster.

"Troye what's wrong?" Connor says grabbing my shoulder and I shake him off.

"Troye I am here for you I know you don't know me well but, I am here for you." Connor says and I stop not walking anymore not talking anymore.

"Connor?" I say and he walks in front of me so he can see my face.

"Yeah?" He says all sweet.

"I am sorry." I say to him and he sighs and before I know it I am into his arms hugging him tight not letting go.

"It's okay." He says and holds me tight too I rest my head on his shoulder he is a little smaller than me but not by much. I breath in breathing in the amazing smell. What the hell am I thinking!

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