Chapter 72

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"Awe." Sage says and sits next to me on the couch.

"What time would it be in England right now?" Sage asks me taking a sip of her pop.

"Umm 7 hours so 2 pm." I say and run my hands threw Troyes hair. He isn't fully asleep. He just stays still.

"Ohh okay." Sage says and then Troye kicks his feet up on the couch and puts his head on my lap. I smile and adjust my arm so he is more comfortable. My arm just on hid waist and my other hand holding his hand. While he breaths slowly.

"He didnt come out of that room for weeks after he left Vidcon. Only for his music." Sage says and Troye turns around to face Connor.

"I am still awake." Troye says and glares at Sage.

"Well might as well not lie to him." Sage says and I snap my head back.

"Troye did you even eat much?" I ask him and he looks down.

"I did eat. I just was busy." Troye says and I shake my head.

"Thanks that what I mean. Like did you actually eat while I wasn't there." I say to him and he shakes his head no.

"I had snacks here and there." Troye says and I shake my head why didn't he tell me. Everytime we Skyped he said he ate. 3 meals.

"Why did you lie to me." I say to him and he looks down.

"I didn't want you to worry." Troye says and looks down.

"Well I am making sure you eat 3 meals everyday. If your not here for lunch I will pack you a lunch for when you go to the studio." I say and he nods.

"Okay I will." Troye says to me and then he closes his eyes. I rub my hand along his birthmark under neath his eyes. Then down his cheek to his jawline.

"You wanna watch a movie?" Sage asks me and I nod.

"Sure." I say to her and Troye twitches he fell asleep. Yup typical Troye. I slowly move my lap and lay his head on a pillow. I go into the kitchen.

"One secm Sage." I say and she nods.

"Okay." She says and then I go and put my dish away and start to clean it up.

"No Connor you had a long flight go and lay down." Laurelle says to me.

"Nope I am good. Right now it's lunch time for me. I have to go get used to this time zone change thing." I say and fill the sink full of soapy water. Then put all the dishes in the sink.

"Well let me help." Laurelle says and I shake my head.

"No I got it. Mrs. Mellet please sit down you cooked I can clean. It's the least I could do." I say and she sighs in defeat.

"Okay. Just leave them on the dish rack to try. You don't need to put them away." Laurelle says and heads into the living room. I finish all the dishes. Then clean out the sink. I owe them so much might as well help and be kinda like there kid.

"There." I say and wipe the counters down. Such a habit. I always did that at Zoe house. I cleaned the whole kitchen pretty much.

"Alright." I say and turn the light off and walk back in Troye still asleep. Sage sitting there. Mr. Mellet is at work still. He does like 12 hour. I would hate that. Tyde is going up to bed and same with Steele.

"Night mom." Tyde says and hen hugs her.

"Night Tyde." She says and then he smiles.

"Night Sage. Oh and Connor." Tyde says and waves.

"Night Tyde." I say and Sage smiles same with Steele. We say goodnight and then it was us 3 well 4 but Troye is asleep. I smile and slowly brush my hand against his.

"What movie?" I ask quietly.

"Jungle book." Sage says and gets up and puts it in. They turn it down. Troye moves again and then puts his head more on the pillow. He reaches for me.

"No Troye. Not now." I say and he groans and falls back to sleep. He rests his head more into my stomach. I am sitting up but his face is competly in my stomach and shirt.

"Troye." I say feeling his breath on my stomach and giggle.

"No." Troye moans and tries and falls back to sleep which he manages. I watch half the movie and he gets more uncomfortable.

"Hold on guys." I say and they both nod. I have to move him.

"I'm going to move him." I say quietly and they both nod.

"You want some help. He is kinda heavy." Sage says and I shake my head.

"No I am good. I am stronger now. I have worked out. Well my councilor told me it would be good." I say and they both nod.

"Should he change?" Sage asks and I look at him and shake my head.

"I can try when I get up there." I say and smile. I slowly move away from him. Then hold his head. He is literally dead. I grab his phone off his lap before I pick him up. I slowly put my hand under his legs. I look down and he smiles. I roll my eyes.

"I know your awake you cheeky little shit." I say while carrying him up the steps.

"Are we going to cuddle in my bed?" Troye asks in a groany voice.

"Not yet I am going to finish the movie." I say and he puts his face into my shirt again. He closes his eyes my arms holding him up. He is so light. I walk into the room. I slowly sit him up.

"Change." I say not knowing exactly where his pj's would be. I look.

"Top right corner." Troye says and I walk into the closet. I see his clothes folded nicely.

"Fancy." I say and then grab them.

"How come you keep everything a mess everywhere else then your room?" I ask him handing him the clothes he opens his eyes and takes his shirt off.

"It's my room I like things clean." Troye says and takes his jeans off. He throws them to the ground and the puts his pj pants on. I pick the clothes up and toss them in the bin. Then smile.

"Goodnight Tro." I say and kiss his lips lightly.

"Goodnight come soon." He says and kisses me again.

"I will." I say and plug his phone in. Then close the door as softly as I can. I take my phone out and see the texts shit Zoe.

Hey Zoe sorry! I forgot. I got in and suprised Troye it's like 10 here now. My flight was great. I hope everything is good there. If you need money to pay for the house I can still help I totally forgot about that.

There we go. I walk down the stairs and then walk back into the living room. Sage and Troyes mom talking.

"Okay I am back. Sorry." I say and they both shake there head.

"No worries. We know what Troye is like." Troyes mom says and I sit on the couch then finally I get super tried as well then close my eyes for a split second. But before I realize a split second is for hours.

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