Chapter 47

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Zoe walks over Troye sitting down holding my hand.

"Connor what happened?" She asks and I shrug.

"I don't know." I say and she sits on the bed.

"Leave me alone." I say and look over to the wall.

"I want to be alone." I say and she sighs.

"Come on Troye." Zoe says and I shake my head.

"No not you Tro." I say and he stops walking.

"Oh so you want him in there." Zoe says to me.

"Yeah." I say with attitude.

"Whatever!" She says and starts to walk.

"You have no clue." I say under my breath.

"What?" She says and turns around.

"That I don't want to fucking tell you my life story. " I say and Troye kisses my hand. Rubs circles.

"Connor I know your life story already! I already can guess why your in here!" She says and I bite my lip.

"Oh yeah why!" I yell and she laughs a little.

"Because Connor isn't it in plain sight. You cut again, you haven't been eating, your body is falling apart. What did I tell you, your going to fall apart eventually. I guess today is the day." She says and I think for a second.

"Hey listen to this! I didn't fucking cut! I told you it's been 3 years! I have been eating lately and sure my body is falling apart but I am trying to fix it!" I yell and she laughs again.

"Yeah okay. Well I hope you have fun." She says and exits. I start to tear up again.

"Hey she's just scared for you baby." Troye says to me and I nod he puts his hand to my face. I am tried of laying on this god damn bed.

"I want to walk." I say and he looks at me.

"Con baby you can't not yet. The doctors should be here soon." Troye says and I sit up a little more.

"Cuddle?" I ask he looks around and I move all my cords, then I move over the bed would fit 3. He puts his arm around me and I move to his chest my head rests on his chest, I can hear his heartbeat.

"You sure your comfortable?" Troye asks and I nod. For a while we lay there and we talk about the stupidest shit ever. The door opens with Troyes mom, dad, sister and brothers. Then the doctor right after them.

"Alright we have news." He says and I close my eyes.

"So bad news and good news." He says and then looks around.

"I have to ask this it's mandatory. Connor is it okay if I speak around his family and your friend?" The doctor asks.

"Boyfriend." I correct and he nods and then I nod.

"Yeah." I say and I see Sage staring at me. I feel all eyes on me. My head burried into his chest.

"Alright the good news is. Your aloud to go home tomorrow, you can fly back there. You will be well enough. But the bad news is, you will be kept under watch everyday, and your friend Zoe you live with. Your getting 3 pills. Depression pills because you suffer from that, weight gain, and strength pills to help you get stronger. Also we have been told you hate the doctors, and councilors. Well we set up an appointment with 3 different ones you see one every week. You will get check ups and if anything gets worse we will have to take measures more harshly." The doctor says.

"No I already said no to the councilors. I am only going to them if I have Troye by my side." I say and he sighs.

"Connor as soon as yous get back. We are starting treatment. I am sorry. You can't live sad anymore." He says and I sigh.

"Con he is right. " Troye says and I nod. He kisses my hand.

"Thank you." Sage says and he nods.

"Anything else wrong with me?" I ask before he walks out.

"Not that we know of. The only thing why you were throwing up blood is because you were not used to eating things, it's your body way of saying no I can't eat. Also we will make sure you eat. All of Troyes family will when your around them, and all your friends will too." The doctor says and I close my eyes and put my head into his chest.

"I hate this." I say and cry into his chest.

"It's for the best Con." Troye says and I sigh.

"I know it's for the best. I just hate how I am on watch. I want to be treat like a real human." I say into his chest. Troyes mom rubs my back while I cry into his back.

"Connor when you are around us. We will treat you like a human. Nothing more or nothing less. We will make you eat, no matter what, but as long as your with Troye we will be okay knowing your okay, because Troye won't let anything happen to you." His mom says and rubs my back.

"I know. I just don't want you guys to have to worry about me." I say and lift my head up.

"Definitely not Troye." I say and he giggles a little.

"Connor that's my job, ever since you became mine I always worried about you, even now, I just want what's best for you." Troye says and rubs my hand.

"I know." I say and he nods. I cuddle up next to him more. Not caring a single shit that his family is here. I need Troye in my life, he needs me, that's why I already agreed to get better before. It's just wasn't working the way I wanted it too.

"Connor I love you. " He says and rests his head on my head and hugs me more. Everyday it gets harder to look at my self in the mirror and see something beautiful, before I met Troye I always hated who I was and who I am. My weight, every little detail. Then finally I met him, and he changed my look at myself. I am just a broken boy ready to be found. Because I have a lot to live for

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