Chapter 50

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As we kiss the elavator dings and that means our stop. We break the kiss and I get helped out the elavator. Ever step my stomach hurts more and more. I just can't wait to lay down. It will be worth it. As well walk slowly. I see a girl frame I am guessing Zoe come out of my room.

"Your pills on your dresser Connor." Zoe says walking past me.

"Hey Zoe." I say and turn around.

"Yeah?" She says and stops not turning around.

"Thank you." I say and she nods.

"Your welcome." She says and walks off. We slowly walk to the door and we make it to the door. I open it with the key and slowly make our way in.

"Only, just above 12 hours." I say and look down.

"We will make the last hours count. I promise." Troye says and kisses my nose.

"I love you." He says and helps me over to the bed. He sits down and pats my lap.

"You can sit." He says and I sit lightly on his lap, and cradle his lap. My legs just go on either side of him.

"There." He says and puts his lips my my neck.

"Troye." I moan out a little. While he sucks on the skin a little at a time. We hear a knock and we both moan.

"It's just me guys." His sisters voice hits the door.

"It should be open." Troye says and she tries the handle and walks in. I rest my head on Troyes shoulder.

"There you go you two love birds." She says and sets the rest of the coffee and food down.

"Thanks Sage." I say and she nods.

"No remember Troye, Connors stomach isn't the best so no fucking to hard." She says and Troye laughs.

"No promises." Troye says and I slap his arm.

"Well ew goodbye!" Sage says and locks the door and walks out and laughs.

"Why!" I say and Troye looks at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

"Oh you know you want it." Troye says.

"Never said I did." I say and he gasps. Then puts his hand to his mouth.

"Fine then." Troye says and starts to stand up with me still on his lap.

"No, no, no." I say and push him back down a little then move his hand and kiss his lips so many times.

"See I want it." I say to him he smiles and puts his arms around my waist lightly hanging there.

"I know you do." He says and smiles a evil smile.

"Shut up. And kiss me." I say and he nods and just brings his lips to mine he fall back onto the bed I reposition my legs so they are more comfortable. My legs just lay out on him. My arms around his neck still his hand grabs my butt a little. I moan and move closer to him.

"Mhhm."Troye says and then slowly brings his hands up to my shirt seam. He slowly tugs at it. I raise my hands and he takes it off. Then moves his hands back to my ass.

"Mhhm yours." I say and break the kiss. He rips his off and then moves right back into it. My hands find his chest and roam it while we kiss. He tugs at my pants. Sure that's okay. Boxers is fine. He has seen them before. I nod and lift my head up. He takes them and undoes the belt. Then the button, my hands on his chest. He gets them undone and slowly moves them down. I lay down again and flick them off. Back with the kissing. He flips me over so now I am on the bottom.

"Mhhm." I say while he kisses my neck. My hands find their way to his pants. I slowly start working on his belt, then to his buttons. He flicks them off and stars to grind on me a little.

"I so much." Troye says to me and kisses my lips hard. He bites them a little then locks my lip and asks for an opening. I gladly open my mouth and our tounges collide with each other. He tugs at my boxers. Am I ready for it? Ready for him to see that? Or is it too early still. I need to make a desision fast. I don't think I am ready. He slowly moves them down.

"Troye." I say and he ignores me or doesn't hear me.

"Troye." I say and he stops.

"Mhhm." Troye says and looks at me

"Im sorry." I say and look away he clues in.

"Hey no its okay I am sorry for going to fast. It's okay." He says and pulls them back on.

"It's just." I say not able to explain.

"Hey no its okay. I competly understand Con. Baby its okay." He says and grabs my waist.

"Okay." I say and he puts his forehead on mine.

"Im glad you told me." He says to me pecking my lips.

"I know your ready and everything but." I say and he shakes his head.

"Babe. I will wait for you, listen to me, whenever your ready you can tell me. If I go to fast tell me, I will move slower, I don't want to move to fast for you." He says and sits up.

"Okay I will and this is why I love you so god damn much." I say and he smiles.

"Connor Joel Franta I will wait for you till the end of the earth." He says to me and moves my hair out of the way.

"Troye Sivan Mellet thank you." I say to him I touch his stomach and smile he kisses my lips again and I think I couldn't be more blessed with someone like him. Who will wait until I am ready. Who knows soon maybe. It's just the thought of losing my virginity seems scary to me. It's a big deal. I am not ready for that yet. At least not yet. I think.

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