Chapter 37

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"Connor." A girls voice I turn around hand in hand with Troye.

"Zoe." I say to her.

"Your eye." She says and is about to touch it.

"Yeah my eye, and his eye, didn't you fucking hear me yell at Tyler, Troye too. But no you were trying to be with Tyler." I say to her calm. Troye squeezing my hand.

"Yeah I am sorry." She says and looks down.

"Should have said that to me. When I told you I wasn't picking people. I just needed to make Troye happy. I make you sad so I dont know why you come back. " I say to her. Moving closer to Troye.

"I need to be happier and I can't do that with you always making sure I am okay." I say to her moving back a step.

"I wanna help to." Zoe says to me and moves closer.

"You will make me more sad. You need to be happy. I need to be happy.  Then maybe we can talk." I say to her.

"Connor we can get threw this together. We will be happy together." She says to me and I shake my head.

"You dont get it do you? I make you more sad everyday when I wake up with a bad dream your always there staying up. I always push you away you come back. You always worry about me. I am tired of it Zoe. You need to be happy.  And if that means not having you in my life then so be it. I am coming back to England because I need to. But I want you to work on being happy okay?" I say and touch her shoulder. 

"But Connor." She says to me.

"But nothing Zoe." I say and she tears up.

"I will still be here for you, just not in the way we used to be until we are both happy and if that means 2 years or even 4 then so be it. I will miss you Zoe." I say to her. Troye standing behind me. Holding me while I speak. He knows I need to do this.

"Please don't hate Troye anymore. He just wants what's best for me. I want you to know that. I need to be there for him. That's why at the moment when I saw him crying I couldn't stand there and watch him walk away. I needed to help him. Because that's what happens when you love someone. You would know that." I say to her and she nods.

"As my sister once told me, if you love them chase them and don't let them get away. That's what I did. Zoe I will always love you no matter what I want you to know that,  you helped me threw things I didn't know you could. But it's your turn to help yourself. It's my time to fly and get happy. And be with Troye." I say the words coming out calm.

"I miss you though." She says to me. And I sigh.

"Of course I miss you, your like my second sister no matter what happens, we will still always see each other, we will always be there for each other, just not in the way we used to." I say wiping a tear from my cheek. Troye hugging me behind. His head on my shoulder.

"You see this Zoe. This is a relationship I have been waiting for. You know that you wanted me too. And Zoe he loves me. I love him." I say to her and she starts to cry.

"Nothing will change that. I will miss him to much.  No distance will tear us apart." I say to her and she nods. 

"Goodbye Zoe for now." I say to her and she nods and hugs me tight Troye let's go and I rest my head on her shoulder.

"I love you." I say to her and she sighs and starts to cry.

"I love you too so much." She says to me and breaks the hug. She kisses my cheek.

"Get ice on that and relax. I am sorry." She says and turns around and walk over to Alfie and hugs him while she cries.  He gives me a look and nods. He knows I had to. He knows that I have been hurt and he knows that eventually. I smile a little and Troye hugs me. I look down to my feet while he hugs me behind. My eye starts to sting and I start to crying. Zoe starts to walk and Alfie hugs her behind. Troye looks at Alfie and Zoe looks at me. We look at each other. I just stare at them and think that's me and Troye. It's like a mirror. Troye is Alfie and I am Zoe. I have been waiting for a Alfie.  Troye is him and I couldn't be anymore greatful. He is my rock, my shoulder, my everything.  I was always jealous if Zoe for having an amazing boyfriend.  I am just happy that they are together still. They are perfect for each other, we are perfect for each other. I wipe my tear and so does Zoe. Alfie smiles at me and we nod and I break the hug and we walk into the elevator. Troye holding my hand. I don't speak, I just think, was this a good idea? Was getting rid of Zoe the best thing to do. Troye sighs and puts his head back. Touching his eye. I haven't seen my eye yet, all I know is it hurts. Troyes face has a bruise on it. His eye going to be a black eye. I hope Tyler goes to hell for what he did to me. To both of us. The elavator dings I sniffle, and we walk out. Troye grabs my hand and interwine our fingers as we walk down the hallway that we did coming down to tell them. Now everyone of our friends know that we are gay, everyone knows we are together. Some might have picked up. I am depressed, sad whatever they like to say. I am starting to regret talking to anyone, I am starting to regret even being gay, but at the same time.  I am happy with Troye. Troye pulls me past out door. I am confused and he walks me down the hall to his room. Shit his mom,  she knows but I don't know if she knows I am. Oh well I already told my friends. She is like my family I guess. Troye knocks on the door and I wait for the gasp, or wait for the crying anything. Troye brings me in for a hug, then that's when the door opens with Sage, I look into her eyes, Nicola, that's all I see in her Nicola. She gasps and I look down to get the thought out of my head. Seeing my sister in Sage no I can't think that.

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