Chapter 36

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"Alright." I says and breath heavy as we enter the elevator.

"Who's going to say it?" I
asks pacing back and forth.

"I can if you want." Troye say not wanting me to be nervous.

"You sure?" I ask him worried.

"Yeah. I can." He says and the elevator dings. I hear everyone's voice lauging and everthing goes silent when we enter the room. Holy shit I feel like throwing up.

"Well I am guessing why you guys are here?" Troye says to the crowd I bite my lip so hard and look down.

"Well we decided you guys are our bestfriends, and you deserve to all know that Connor and I are gay." Troye says the last part cracking in his voice.

"Oh guys." They all say and bring us into a hug.

"We are so proud of you." They all say and kiss us on the cheek. I see Zoe standing in the corner. Alfie right there hugging us and then moving back to her.

"One more thing." Troye says and smiles.

"Well its been a little thing, Connor and I are together." Troye says and grips my hand for support I am so numb during this whole hugging thing, threw all the smiles I am getting.

"Awe!" Our friends say, and ohhh and awe.

"We are so proud." I hear Dan and phil say to us. They all hug us. I see someone move to the front.

"Wow they came out! No big deal! They are together wow! It's gross!" Tyler voice says.

"Tyler!" Louise says and pulls him back.

"Tyler you of all people should know how hard it is to admit that you are gay! You did it!" Dan says to him.

"Yeah! It was! But like holy fuck did you guys seriously not see it! They always hang out! They always are together!" Tyler says and I feel Troyes hand tighten up. I grab it and hold it.

"Awe look at that they are holding hands!" He says sarcastically. I feel Troye bite tense up more.

"Hey its okay." I say to him and step in front of him.

"Awe little pep talks!" He says again with sarcasm.

"That's it!" Troye yells and let's go if my hand and I try and stop him. Before I can procces what is happening. Troye hits Tyler.

"Troye." I say and try and pull him back.

"You fucker!" Troye yells and hits him again.

"Who's a weak bitch now!" He yells and I try and pull him back before he makes more damage. He us just trying to protect me.

"Awe go get your fucking Connor to help you with everything. Oh wait that's right he doesn't even want to be on this planet doesn't seem like your doing enough Troye!" Tyler yells everyone is trying to shut Tyler up.

"Fuck you!" Troye yells and hits him again.

"Troye stop!"I say and give his arm a massive yank.

"No Con." Troye says breaking into tears.

"What did you tell me." I say to him.

"Dont listen to those haters. Tyler is a hater. Pleas baby its okay." I say and rub his hands.

"Awe fuck you!" Tyler yells and Troye turns around. Then before Troye reacts he gets hit right in the face.

"You fucking ugly bitch!" Tyler yells at him. That's when I go into protective mode. They all bring him back. My sister always told me. Never throw the first punch. Words hurt more. So that's what I will do.

"Tyler you know what! You have no fucking right to do any of this shit okay! First you hurt Troye when I wasn't in his life! You ruined it! Hurt him! You hurt me! You hurt us! I am holding Troye.

"I don't give a shit! Honestly if you say words to me! Sure they will hurt but guess what I will get over it! If you would like to know I am trying to get better! Happier!" I yell as angry as I can. I see Zoe perk up from the corner of my eye.

"So get the fuck away from me! And most importantly us! I am tired of you hurting us! What do you want to possible gain from this!" I yell at him. He is silent.

"I sick of your bullshit! Don't ever fucking touch Troye or I ever again!" I yell and look at him.

"Fuck you!" Tyler yells and hits me right in the eye.

"You bitch!" I say and punch him back. Finally I am dragged away from him by Troye, Alfie and Dan. I start to cry and try and get at him. Dan and Alfie let go. I fall to the ground.

"I am sorry." I say crying.

"Hey look at me." Troye says and I turn around and hug him. He brings my face so he can look at the damage. Troye should be more worried. He got hit 2 times.

"I hope you die in hell!" I yell at him! Then Troye brings me into a hug. Dan brings me and Troye ice.

"Hey listen to me." Troye says to me. And wipes the tears off my eyes.

"I am proud of you." Troye says to me. Holding my face with one hand and then holding my hand with the other. He is kneeling down.

"I didn't do anything." I say looking away.

"You did. You stood up." Troye says to me. We sit there we take the ice and put it on our eye.

"I am proud of you both." Dan says us and hugs us quickly. He smiles and walks away. We sit there holding each others hands. I sigh we look into each others eyes.

"Connor there are many worse things out there. We will get threw it I promise." He says to me and I put my head down.

"I tried." I say to him and he nods.

"You didnt have to." Troye says and kisses my hand. We stand up and start to walk towards the elevator. I feel a hand on shoulder and I flinch.

"Connor." A girls voices come threw my ears. I already know who it is. I just don't want to talk. I know I will have to eventually. There's a difference though Troye will be there with me 24/7 so I am not alone.

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