Chapter 5

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"Look, I ain't in this for your revolution, and I'm not in it for you, Princess." – Han Solo, Episode IV: A New Hope

"Are you accepting the commission, or are you not?"

The other rebels around them were looking at the Princess in surprise, as though they'd never seen her in such a state before.

Han had been tiptoeing around the whole notion of staying on Yavin to help. The first few days he had claimed he was fixing up the Falcon, he needed the time, space and equipment. It was true, he reasoned. Though perhaps he could have been more efficient instead of heading off to heckle Her Highness every once in a while for amusement.

Luke had asked him to help with a scouting assignment and so Han had reluctantly agreed. One assignment had let to multiple odd jobs such as these until the General had gotten fed up by what he called "a precious waste of resources" – meaning Han. He had evaded the man's requests until today...except the General – slippery little fellow that he was – had passed on the responsibility of persuading Han to enlist to the Princess' dainty yet capable shoulders.

She wouldn't take any of his shifty replies for an answer. Instead, she only became more determined and more riled up as time continued. He supposed the rest of the rebels were so respectful and eager to please around her that she'd never have to exhibit any side of her other than her calm, stoic one. Today was a different story.

He took a different tactic, drawling, "What's in it for me, Princess?"

She rolled her eyes, "Obviously you're going to be well paid within reasonable limits."

"Somehow, I don't really like the sound of that."

"It's up to you, Han," she shrugged, "Take it, or leave it. But if you don't take it, you'll be leaving within the week because everyone who lives here, works. We all have our jobs to carry out. We don't hold up with slackers or inefficiency here."

Ouch. She could be as cold as a dead fish when she wanted to be. But direct and to the point, which was refreshing in his line of business.

"You need me," he declared with his usual touch of arrogance, "You need me for this commission, why else would you ask me?"

"We have plenty of other-" she began haughtily, but he interrupted.

"Who aren't as experienced or good a pilot as me. You need me for this commission."

"I don't need you," she pursed her lips delicately, "Our pilots are perfectly qualified for their jobs. I'm merely offering you a position."

"What if I don't want it?" he challenged, enjoying the flush that rose up in her cheeks. She was probably unused to such insubordinate attitude from an inferior.

"As I mentioned," she stated through gritted teeth, "That is entirely up to you. Whether you wish to go back to your previous...occupation," she phrased the word with disdain, "or stay to fight. But you are going to decide now."

Something in him wanted to keep pushing her, she was far too comfortable with her sense of authority, but then he caught a glance of Luke making his way over with a hopeful smile on his face. What the hell. He'd do it.

"I'll take it," he answered, amused at the look of surprise on Leia's face, "Just this one."

She quickly recovered, "Very good. I'll be assigning you along with Skywalker, Giles, Khan and Joyce."

"Who's leading?"

"I am."

Leia had quite enjoyed Han's expression when she had told him she would be leading the raid.

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