Chapter 12

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"Captain, being held by you isn't quite enough to get me excited." - Princess Leia Organa, Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

It had been a good year on Hoth so far. The raids got trickier, as the Empire gradually regained power and resources, but they had grown more careful as well. And Rieekan was a good leader, Leia had to admit. They'd built up a mutual sort of respect between them. While initially she had doubted his capabilities and inwardly resented him for taking Dodonna's place, she'd come to realize he was proving to be even more efficient and resourceful than the late general. And seeing as he was hardly protective over her, she could count on him to make logical decisions regarding her role in missions and raids.

Such as this one.

She, Han and Luke had stealthily boarded a ship headed for Dantooine, allegedly holding a captured general hostage. They hadn't originally planned to board the ship, but to report on its destination and holdings. However, she'd come to appreciate Han's advice on taking risks and so, once they had figured out General Liawkman was being held onboard, they snuck in when they could, hiding behind the crates in the back of the ship.

Tiptoeing quietly across the deck, keeping a firm hold on her laser, Leia took a quick survey of their surroundings, "This isn't where they're holding him."

Han looked incredulous, "We haven't checked those rooms over there, in case you hadn't noticed-"

"I've been held hostage onboard a ship before, in case you hadn't noticed," she adopted his tone, rolling her eyes, "Believe me, they wouldn't keep him in this area. There aren't any guards patrolling and it's far too open."

"If you say so, Your Worship," he replied, following her, "Luke, why don't you check down there just in case?"

"He could be discovered; do you want to get us all killed?" she said irritably, about to take a left when Han pulled her back sharply into a dark corner, holding a hand over her mouth. She struggled for about a second, before she noticed the clone patrolling down the side.

She relaxed her posture, keeping her eyes trained on the clone. Han released his hand over her mouth, yet she realized he had not loosened his arm wrapped around her torso, trapping her back against him. Typical. The man couldn't resist an opportunity to hold a woman in a secluded dark corner, even if they were hiding for their lives on an Imperial cruiser. Or at least that was what she thought.

Tilting her head slightly to look at him, she could see that he was just as focused on the clone as she had been, his brows knitted in a slight frown. She wriggled slightly and that was when he looked at her and seemed to comprehend that he was still holding on to her tightly. A slow grin lit his face, even as he looked back to the clone, maintaining his grip. He knew very well she could hardly struggle without making a commotion and catching the clone's attention. Impossible man. She resignedly kept still, although her breath hitched when he slowly drew her blaster from the holster on her waist with his other hand in a smooth, fluid motion. He could've grabbed his own, but no, he did this to purposefully discompose her and Leia hated to admit it, even to herself, but it was working...

She gave herself a little mental shake as she realized what he was about to do. "No," she breathed warningly. The sound of the blaster firing could gather unwanted attention. They needed to make this a quick, efficient rescue without anyone becoming aware of their presence.

He bent his head, murmuring in her ear, "He's not going to leave this corridor."

She did a quick scan of the place – she'd been too distracted to notice – but this was very likely where the General was being held, she recognized the similar layout to the Death Star. Behind one of those doors...she quickly made an estimation to be the one on the far right. And Han was correct, they wouldn't be able to make it without the clone seeing them.

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