Chapter 10

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Tiaria P.O.V

For the past week, training has been more intense, the two groups that Harley and I were training had passed, and Leon had took my place to teach them. The ones that I chose to have extra training were becoming really good at it. Everything was going okay till Alpha Michael got a call from an Alpha that was a little west from here, they had been warned that the rouges were heading his way and was asking for some help. He had about 50 warriors and fighters but he knew that wasn’t enough. So here I was with Harley and the Alpha deciding who we should send and to stay here in case we are attacked.

‘How about I, Harley, Tim, Hank, John, Warren, Scott, Dave, Charlie and Hanson go. You will still have Jasper and Leon and most of the warriors with you along with 45 fighters. In case you attack. We leave tonight about 5 that gives everyone roughly 4 hours to get suited and say goodbye to those who need it. Then drive there in the van taking it in turns driving as it takes at least 12 hours to get there that way people have slept. Then once we are close to their boarder we will ring you so you can let Alpha Kyle know that we are about to step into their territory.’ I explained.

‘That sounds like a god idea. Your father would be so proud of you Tiaria. Thinking of this plan. Will let the Alpha know that we are coming and you alert everyone that you need.’ Alpha Michael looked at me with pride in his eyes so did Harley.

Leaving the office I walked to the meeting room, mind-linking the people that I needed. After 5 minutes they turned up looking a little confused. I had 4 warriors and myself and 5 fighters accompany with me.

‘Right, Alpha Kyle has asked our Alpha for some help as they have been informed that rouges are on their way towards him. They have 50 fighters and warrior’s altogether and that is not enough so they have asked for our assistance. The ones in this room have been selected by me to help out this Alpha. I need everyone to suit up and say goodbye to love ones. I don’t know how long we will be there so make sure there is enough ammo for a couple of days. We are not leaving this pack in any harm there is 45 fighters and 10 other warriors. The children have been taught and trained so please know that your families are safe while we are on our mission. We will take as many down as we can. We leave in 4 hours. Meet me at the van by 4:45 so I can explain what is happening in the 12 hour journey. You may leave.’ I explained. I could tell I had the aura of the head pack warrior the way they stood and listen to me never had a judging look in their eyes.

Harley and I went our separate ways, as he went to say goodbye to his family and went to find Steph and Chris. I had found them in the living room watching a film the rest of the gang was there too. I felt a little left out with me becoming the pack warrior and not having a mate while they all cuddled up close to theirs. I felt the longing to be like them and it hurt to be honest. Maybe if I became a nurse like my mother instead of the pack warrior then my mate would want me, but I knew that weren’t true. Brad was a selfish man and would never want me. Maybe once I come back from this mission I will ask Harley on a date. I felt something with him so I should suck it up and go for it. I been rejected so another rejection won’t affect me will it?

‘Hey guys, I just came to say goodbye I got a mission that’s taking me to Alpha Kyle’s. I don’t know how long I’ll be there for. Promise me that you be safe please’

Steph looked up at me with tears in her eyes she hated that I went out on missions and could get killed if not careful but she also knew why I was going. I didn’t want any other child to lose their parents and I wanted to find the one that had killed mine. I sat down with them having a couple of conversations, and watching a film. I left about 3:30 to go and get ready. Saying goodbye and giving them hugs.

I had gotten a bath, braided my hair and then stuck in a bun keeping out of my way and a little make up. Slipping on my leathers and guns and knives in the right place. Then I grabbed my smaller bag that held a bit more ammo and knives along with a set of clothes for a night out. This was my away bag. By the time I was done it was 4:35. Running up to the van, I was greeted with Harley. Next was everyone else they arrived on time.

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