Chapter 17

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A/N i am sorry for how long it has taken to update, but its been a bit mad with work meetings and my little boy. i know that it is a really short chapter but i wanted you to have something to read. hopefully will update in a couple of days time. Enjoy :D xx 

Tiaria P.O.V

The next morning I woke in Harley arms wrapped around my stomach, smiling I stared at him till I felt him stir. Placing a kiss on his lips, I slipped out of bed to do my morning routine, I got dressed in a pair of teal skinny jeans and black tank. My hair was in a messy bun and I wore no make-up. Walking down to the kitchen I grabbed a bowl of cereal as nothing took my fancy. I sat down on the settee watching some cartoons while watching Harley to finish whatever he was doing. About half hour later he comes down stairs coming straight to me, kissing me passionately then slipping on his knees to give my tummy a kiss. I laugh at him as I was a few weeks but smiled at him when he looked at me, he quickly grabbed something to eat. I had to meet Alpha Michael today to talk about everything and to inform him of my pregnancy.  

Harley had an extra bounce to his skip, which was quite adorable, knocking on our Alpha’s door, hearing a come in, we opened the door, I shocked to still see the other Alpha’s I thought they would have left yesterday. Sitting down, we spoke about patrols and having a few teenagers learn the ropes as well. He agreed to that, then was the other subject.

‘Alpha Michael, I wish to talk to you about me being the head of pack warriors, I am sharing the role with Harley but I would like to give it fully to Harley. I would still like to be involved as this what I was taught growing up. The reason I ask this is because I am pregnant and I will not be able to take on missions or be part of fights.’

‘Tiaria, if that is what you like I do have another suggestion, as you said you were trained to lead, so how about you plan fights and missions with Harley, that way you both are still in control, you work well as a group and maybe when you have your children you can become the pack warrior that you want to be. Or you could be the Luna’s guard. As you are friends with Steph it be easier and you will always have the children beside you’

‘I would like to Luna Steph guard and take on some plans for fights and missions.’

‘Okay that set up, Harley will be leader of the pack warriors and you shall be the head guard of Luna Steph. Oh and congratulations to you both, your parents would be so happy.’

After saying our goodbyes we headed towards the pack hospital for our appointment with the doctor. I was quite excited so was Harley. At first it was a shock, I didn’t realise until I didn’t have my monthly, then I was horrified I could of killed my unborn child during the war then it was worry that Harley did not want a child, but once I saw the happy face on him all my worries and fear disappeared. We walked to the waiting room after telling the secretary that I was here. 10 minutes later I was sat on the little bed, swinging my legs. The doctor walked in with his clipboard, he always did it the old fashioned way then had his nurse do the modern stuff, and he was a great man. Anyways back to why we are here, Doctor Patrick asked me to lie on the bed, then pull my top up and my jeans down a little, while doing that he was setting up the scan machine. Then he put a glob of cold gel on my stomach and carried on.

‘Right Tiaria, Harley, can you see that little blob on the screen that is your pup. The pup is only few weeks so it won’t have any features and what not. The pup looks healthy, and so do you. Your wolf made sure that your pup was safe when you were recovering. The first 2 month you should be careful. Werewolves’ pregnancy do not last long 6/7 months long. Just take prenatal vitamins. We will have another appointment in 10 weeks’ time. You will be further along and will be able to tell the sex of the baby. Here are some tissues to wipe of the gel and ill print these scan photo’s out for you.’

‘Thank you Doctor Patrick’ I and Harley said together, I looked up to Harley, he had tears ushered in his eyes looking longingly at the screen muttering my pup. Smiling I grabbed his hand, pulling him down giving him a kiss. I was truly happy, walking out the hospital with my photos and an ecstatic mate.

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