Chapter 15

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Harley P.O.V

I watched as she said ‘I love you’ and twisted her body, killing that rouge but doing that I saw the damage it did to her body, his jaw went tighter around her throat, limbs looked out of place, the gashes were bleeding heavily and the pain I felt was extremely bad and I was only receiving a little from her bond as somehow she was keeping me from feeling her pain. Coming senses I ran towards her, ripping that rouges from her throat, I watched as my mate went limp in my arms as I catch her body, her heart beat was slow and that scared me I could lose her again. Lifting her in my arms I ran towards the hospital they were ready as I mind linked them. The doctor’s face turned to horror and sympathy before returning to his professional look. That when I realised that the war had finished the rouges submitted and the ones that didn’t were killed. Alpha Michael came running up to me as I was banned from entering the hospital as the smell of her blood would come too much and my wolf would believe that they were killing or hurting her and I wouldn’t be able to stop him killing them. The other three Alpha’s stood next to Alpha Michael as he gave out orders to clean the mess up and the rouges that had submitted be held in the cells for time being. Then he began walking to me, wrapping me up in a man hug, that’s when I broke down, I had lost one mate now I could face losing my true love, I couldn’t hold it in I cried, I cried that I would lose her, be alone forever, never see her smile again, hear her laugh. I felt my self being lowered to the chair, with arms surrounding me but they weren’t the Alpha’s it was Luna Joanne, Alpha Michael must of mind linked her to come here, she held me as I cried and soothed me, I felt her tears as Tiaria was like a daughter to her.

After a while I stopped crying, waiting for the doctor to come out and tell me what was happening with Tiaria, I knew she was alive as the bond was still intact. 10 minutes later the doctor came out, he looked like he was in new scrubs I was relieved as I didn’t want to see her blood.

‘Harley, she is in a deep sleep for her wolf to heal her. She had several claw marked that had done some serious damage that would scar, they arm on her arms, one on her chest and face. Hopefully she will be able to shift into her wolf once she has finished healing and that may reduce the scaring. There were broken ribs, fractured wrist and broken leg. She has a small head trauma but that is fine. The main problem is the throat, it was a good job that you pulled the jaw off, any closed it would of tore through the artery killing her instantly, that will take a lot of healing and she will have a bit mark across her throat, I don’t believe that will reduce. A lot of bruising and scratches. At the moment she is doing fine though all stable and should wake up soon. You may see her, your presence may help with the healing’

‘Thanks doctor’ he nodded and walked away. Luna Joanne was in shock hearing what injuries she had sustained from protecting her Alpha and revenging her parent’s, I was proud in a way with her she had killed him like she want  and protected her Alpha proving Alpha Harris that a woman is strong and she was proof. I placed my hand on Luna Joanne shoulders telling her that she is welcome to come with me to visit Tiaria, she politely said no that me and my wolf would want alone. She was right as soon as I walked in that room it took all my power not to shift and find his body ripping it apart. I grabbed her hand in mind, whispering to her, that I loved her, the visions of her pregnant with my child, the wedding. Slowly I fell asleep with her hand in mine and my head on her bed inhaling her scent.

Waking up in the morning, I nearly fell out of the hospital chair, standing up I cracked all the kinks that I had received from sleeping on that chair but do it again to be with Tiaria. Looking out of the window I noticed that Alpha and Luna was both here, Luna Joanne held a tray of food, with that I quickly open the door for them. They both walked in, the Alpha face had a mixture of emotions on his face, the main one was guilt, and I knew he felt guilty that Tiaria was in this state because she saved him, the other was angry, he wanted to kill the rouge like I wanted too.

‘Harley I have brought you some food and there is a bag of clothes as well for you to change into they are in the bathroom, you will need a shower as you haven’t had one since before the fight. So eat up and shower’ nodding my head, I could use the shower in the en suite, I knew there was no reason to fight against the Luna’s orders.

‘I am sorry Harley, if I wasn’t for me she wouldn’t be like this, she risked her life for mine, how am I going to repay her for this. I felt awful that I let it happen, I just don’t think I can forgive myself.’

‘Now Alpha Michael I saved you because you are my Alpha, my uncle, so please do not beat yourself up about it. I am fine’. With that we all turned around to see my lovely mate awake, she managed to sit up a little. I blushed I look like a mess and didn’t want her to up to see me like this.

I walked over to Tiaria with the biggest smile on my face, I was so happy that she is awake, I grabbed her face pulling it up softly to meet my lips. Kissing her with love, passion and urgency she returned it all. She pulled away looking at me.

‘Harley babe, I love you and all, may you please shower, and you smell’ I nodded and quickly ran to the bathroom and showered.

Walking out all three of them were talking, mainly Tiaria telling the Alpha that he did no wrong and it was her duty to protect the Alpha and felt honoured that she did. Alpha Michael explained that the rouges had submitted and somewhere from packs that he destroyed and was forced to join other wise killing their families or mates. The only ones that died were the actual rouges. Most of the wolves that submitted will join the three packs expect one they had their Alpha posing as a normal pack member, it was a girl she was only 15 but had been trained, the other Alpha’s agreed with her that they will help with getting the pack together, they were the pack that we had gone a searched for survivors.

It was noon and the doctor was checking Tiaria wounds explaining where the scarring will be, she looked upset, I knew she didn’t give too much about her appearance but she was still a girl.

‘Tiaria, you still look beautiful with the scars and makes you look bad ass as well. I love all the same, I was so scared that I lost you, when you went limp in my arm, I thought that I would never see your smile, hear your laugh. I was so lost and scared, I had no idea what to do. I broke down. I will always be there for you thick and thin. I love everything about you including your scars, they remind me that you are brave, hard fighter, revenged your parents and protected the Alpha and your pack. I am so proud of you baby’ I saw the tears in her eyes, this what she needed to be told, she needed to know I still loved her. I don’t think I could ever lose my love for her. I heard her say thank you, before crushing my lips to hers, I traced every scar followed by a kiss, before landing back to her lips, she deepened the kiss then broke away she had a smile on her face. Realising that she needed to sleep, I laid her back in bed, tucking her in telling her to sleep and that ill be right here, but of course she didn’t want that she opened her covers and make room for me, sliding of tops and jeans I laid with her pulling her tight to my chest falling asleep.

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