chapter 13

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Tiaria P.O.V

So here I was thinking of a plan that can help us taking out the rouges, so far I have thought of bombs, grenades, trip wires, things that would surprise them. Harley has thought of few things, but we need more information about the packs before we did official plan. I got out of my seat and took a spare map out, to look at the territory for any weak points that they can get through. I noticed 3 which where bushes no fence or anything. I had 2 access points which where ways we get in and out. I made a semi-plan, looking at Harley who had a scrunched up face, it was quite adorable. Walking over I sat in his lap nuzzling his neck, peppering him with kisses. He moved my face with his hand giving me a hard lustful kiss making me weak at the knees. Breaking from the kiss I cleared my throat.

‘I thought of a plan kind of, we have 3 weak points that the rouges can easily access, so I need that fixed, with our 2 entry points I think that we should have some kind of trip wire that sets something out this should take out a few, the rouges will jump over the fence so glass or something can go on top of the wall and this will injure them. Have a bunch of warriors and fighters placed around the access points so that they link us when they are near and they can attack then, when they mind link us we can send in a second group to back them up and then a third, the fourth will keep the Alpha’s and future Alpha’s safe, that way we know. I want a few placed around the building as I don’t know what the rouges will do. I will have another 3 groups hidden in the bushes for when they reach the clearing. This is when everyone else will attack with everything we got. We will have the teenagers that we trained hidden in the pack house so they can take them out they have all had sniper training. We will be wearing either bright yellow cloth around our arm and when we shift have a bright yellow flank so they know which ones we are. How does that sound?’

‘I think that great plan, let’s repeat it to Alpha Michael, and then get the right people to help us. We are going need all people we can. All the other will be training.’

Nodding my head we walked to Alpha Michael office, knocking on the door followed by a come in. sitting down I explain the plan and he agreed that it would work. I had roughly 100 fighters and warriors from each pack and then our lot. We had more than the rouges by a lot last time I checked. Walking back to the meeting room, I called in group of men, having split them up in the 3 groups they were going to build a fence that connects to the other fence then I have another group that is putting barbed wire and glass on top of the fences. Alpha Michael had sent out a message to all pack members telling them to stay away from the fences. The fences were really thick wood with brick work behind it. We couldn’t do anything else till the other packs arrived in 3 days, but with all the work doing it will take up to 2 days to complete. I put extra training on the teenagers so they are brushed up on their skills in combat and fire arm. I just really hope they don’t have to fight.

Over the 3 days I had loaded the rooms that the teenagers were using with guns and knives and enough ammo to last them with food and water who knows how long it will last. There were a few adults that were also shooting as they are either too old or injured. Kevin and Melissa were too as Kevin is now human they don’t want to danger him. Training had increased so had Steph bump, they found out that she is having twins a boy and a girl.

That’s why now I’m sat on the settee think about a family, well after this war and if Harley wants it, I mean yeah we are mated and that but we haven’t talked about family or how many kids we want. I never thought about having children before that was until Steph got pregnant, it won’t be long till everyone else in our group will be too. Then I think of the cons, my job for the pack isn’t the safest, I will have to go on mission’s weeks to months, where will I have a chance to be a mum, then if I do Harley will be gone. Grrr why I am even thinking of it, I should be making sure that I have everything I need for the rouge attack. Sliding off my bed, I walk into my closet looking for a dress I can wear for the fake ceremony, looking through all my dresses I find one that is suitable, I place it on the side ready.

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