Chapter 11

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Harley P.O.V

When Tiaria looked up at me wanting me to say more, her eyes where glassy and body was so stiff. It was hard to tell her, my throat became stuck. I wasn’t afraid to talk about it but afraid to hurt her. Looking at her once again I finished my sentence.

‘I did have a mate her name was Samantha, she died weeks after meeting her. She was killed in a car crash, she would have survived if it wasn’t for the tree branch pointing at her chest. The rescue team where was trying to free her, the branch was 2 inches away from her chest, no one thought to cut the branch. Someone had mind linked me what happened and I ran there, I spent 10 minutes with her before the car jerk forward impaling her on the tree branch. She was 22 years old when I was 20. Ever since then I trained and became pack warrior. My wolf don’t speak to me as he is lost but that changed when you woke up from your coma. My wolf became more alive I felt happier than I ever did before and that’s because of you Tiaria.’

I moved a little away to get a good look at Tiaria face, she had tears running down, red nose, silently sobbing. She sort of knew what it is like to not to have a mate, I still can believe that bastard rejected her. I mean look at her she had the curves in the right places, boobs right size, was kind but stern when needed and she could fight. Getting pass my rage for Brad, I give Tiaria hug, saying that it is okay. She never said sorry which I’m grateful for, I got it a lot when she died, my wolf was just starting to born with hers, as she wanted to take it slow with the dates and fall in love naturally not because of a bond. It was nice.

‘Harley, I wish that you had longer with her, I’m not going to say I’m sorry as I’m sure that you have heard it a lot. What I am going to say is that I am here for you if you do want to talk about her as she was your mate regardless of the weeks you got to spend with her. I do feel a connection with you, I fell happy, sparks, think about you most of the time. I was going to wait till we got back but will you go on a date with me please?’

‘You took the words out of my mouth, yes I would like to go on a date with you.’

Wrapping my arms around Tiaria I give her a slight kiss on the forehead, I could feel her breathing start to slow and shallow I knew that she had fell asleep hugging me. I drifted off not long after her.

Tiaria P.O.V

I woke up the next morning giddy over what happened last night, I felt really bad for Harley losing his mate like that but I still can’t believe it he said yes to a date. Getting a shower and dressed I walked down stairs to see Hank sat at the table looking much better and he informed me that he is able to leave. Walking further into the kitchen, I see Tim and the unmated girl sat together looking lovingly into each other, they were mates. Mind linking Tim I asked him if she was returning with us, I replied with a yes, I let him know that I was going to inform Alpha Michael of our extra passage. Tim informed me that her name was Marie.

After having breakfast, I phoned Alpha Michael that Tim had meet his mate Marie and that she was travelling home with us and what time we were leaving. Saying goodbye, I went to look for the boys to tell them to pack as we were leaving in 3 hours. I found them eventually, letting them know. When Alpha Kyle wish to speak to me, I followed him to his office and sat down when he asked me to.

‘Alpha Kyle what can I do for you?’

‘I just wanted to thank you for coming and helping defend our pack. Please note that if you need assistance please ring I will be happy to send a few of my people down.’

‘Thank you for the hospitality. I will inform Alpha Michael that you have offered assistance. I will always help those of need’

‘May I ask a personal question?’

‘Yes you may, I believe you are going to ask how I became the lead pack warrior at 18 years old yes?’ Alpha Kyle just nodded his head.

‘I became pack warrior after we were attacked, I was guarding the safe house from the rouges that slipped by or found another route, during that time my parents were fighting in the clearing, I remember feeling a pain and my wolf explain that we had lost my mother, where I was stationed we were attacked my group of rouges during that time my father was killed, he had seen red killing every rouge in his way to get to my mum, he was killed by the same rouge that killed her. They surrounded him. He fought to the very end killing the ones who surrounded him expect that one. From now on I have made a promise to myself that I will find that rouge and kill it, so that no other child will go through what I did. That’s why I did not mind coming to help you Alpha Kyle’  

‘Tiaria you are one brave and strong girl, I wish you the best and fill your promise. I will let you finish your packing. My mate has made you some food to take with you.’

‘Thank you once again, I am sure the boys will be happy about the food.’ Alpha Kyle and I chuckled. Going back to my room, I packed all of my stuff which wasn’t much as I didn’t take much out. It was near the time to leave so mind linking them to be at the van in 10 minutes. Walking down the stairs I said my goodbyes and thank you to the pack. Sitting in the driver seat, we did what we had did one the way up here.

After a couple of stops we were finally home, greeted by Luna Joanne and Alpha Michael along with the families and mates of the men. Hank’s mate threw herself on him to check that he was okay, she would have felt the pain of his wound, and smiling at him I nod my head. The Alpha requested that we go home and get some sleep and we will have a celebration for Tim finding his mate and us coming home safely. I and Harley walked to my house, I grabbed a shower in my room while he did the same in the guest room. One we were finished he came into my bed hugging me close to his body.

‘Why is it that you always sleep with me?’

‘Me and my wolf like having you close it keeps us sane and we know you’re safe. You don’t mind do you?’

‘Not at all, we love it. For our date did you want to go tomorrow?’


‘Okay, be ready for 9am as the celebration will start about noon so we can have at least 3 hours.’ Harley nodded his head before saying good night and falling asleep. I went to sleep figuring out my date for tomorrow.

Waking up at 7, I slipped out of Harley bear hold placing a pillow in his arms that had my scent on it. I grabbed some clothes and went to the guest room for a shower. Slipping on a red and black dress, and putting my hair in a messy bun hair do. I did my make-up natural, foundation, a bit of blusher, black eyeliner on top of my eyes with a flick and red lipstick that matched my dress. Once I finished I went down to the kitchen sorting out breakfast. I made pancakes, fruit salad, toast, bacon eggs and sausages. I placed it all in tubes. Then into a basket, I grabbed the blanket and plates and cutlery along with orange juice, coffee, tea also placing that in the basket once I was done it was 8:55am. I was very nervous. Just then Harley down the stairs, his hair was styled messily, he was wearing low riding jeans that if he stretched you would see his V-shape and abs, and a tight white shirt. I was pretty sure I was drooling at the sight of him. He slipped on some white vans while I slipped on some black wedges. Smiling at him I gave him a kiss on the lips and told him to follow me. I lead him to a clearing I found, there was a small pound, trees in closed around us so no one could see, and I set out everything from the basket. Harley looked up at me giving me a big passionate kiss saying thank you. We enjoyed the food and found out some things about him. Like his favourite colour was hazel, loves burgers pizza but favourite food is bbq chicken after I made it for him. And other stuff. Around half 11 we went home. I told him that I really enjoyed myself and he said it was the best date.

We had the celebration, everyone was happy that we were home safe and that Tim had found Marie as he had always wanted a mate, he was romantic when he wasn’t fighting you wouldn’t believe it when you saw him he big and muscly but a sweetheart inside. We left the party after talking and dancing with our friends. At home we were already in bed, I was really tired and could not wait for sleep. Just before I closed my eyes Harley asked me a question.

‘Tiaria, Will you be my girlfriend?’

‘I would love to be your girlfriend Harley’

We cuddled and kissed for a bit before falling asleep with a smile on my face.

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