05| Betrothed

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5. Betrothed


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"LADY Clarissa! The king requests your presence," Jaime informed Clarissa as he stood in front of Ella and the princess.

Clarissa smiled towards her uncle before following behind him to where the king was waiting. "Your mother has informed me of your interest towards the Stark boy," Jaime told Clarissa which made her sigh.

"I don't have an interest towards him. Mother is seeing things," she explained to him and he looked over at the princess with a face of 'I know you're lying'.

Jaime always knew when she was lying. She rolled her eyes towards him before they reached a closed door where they could hear the queen and the king yelled at each other. Jaime knocked harshly on the door, alerting them that he had collected their daughter. "Come in," the queen's voice ordered through the door and Clarissa could tell she was furious with the king by the tone of her voice.

Jaime opened the door for the princess, and she walked inside to see the king pacing back and forth and the queen sitting perfectly calm in the chair by the window. Clarissa felt a gush of air hit her back as Jaime closed the door. It felt like Clarissa was a mouse locked in a cage with two hungry cats that haven't eaten in months.

"You requested me, Father," Clarissa said to them in a quiet voice, her gut telling her this conversation will change her life forever.

"Your mother has informed me of her idea to marry you to the Ned's eldest son," her father snapped but Clarissa knew his anger was towards her mother and not her.

"You always wanted your house and his to be joined in marriage. Why not marry Clarissa with the Stark boy, instead of Joffrey marrying Sansa?" the queen also snapped at the king which made Clarissa felt like she was in the middle of a war.

She knew the reasons behind why her mother was trying to remove her from King's Landing; in fact, the queen told it to her face when she was six namedays old when the queen was drunk.

"Mother! Mother! Look what I made!" Six namedays old Clarissa excitedly told her mother as she runs into her mother's room with a bright, large smile on her face.

The queen had a large goblet of wine in her hand and Clarissa noticed the sneer on her face. "Why couldn't have you died? Why did you have to live but yet your brother died?" she asked young Clarissa as her smile fell from her face and tears begin to form in her blue eyes.

"Once you bleed, I will marry you off to the worst man that offers. You don't deserve love, you deserve nothing but pain and hate," her mother continued to say before young Clarissa run out of the room, sobbing into her little hands.

"Now what has got my little princess so upset?" Clarissa heard her father ask her when she accidentally ran into him.

When she noticed that the person that she ran into was her father, she jumped into his arms and buried her face into his shoulder.

Clarissa never told her father what her mother had said to her that say nor did her mother apologise. But Clarissa realised from that day was even as a child, she was always playing the Game of Thrones.

"Clarissa, what is your choice in the matter?" the king asked his daughter, breaking her from her memory.

Clarissa did want to leave her mother and her torturous ways but yet, she didn't want to leave her father, Myrcella and little Tommen behind. Joffrey, she didn't care about as he is always mean and cruel towards everyone but how could she leave Myrcella and Tommen to be tortured by their older brother?

Robb seemed like a nice man but what if behind closed doors, he was a monster like the stories those in King's Landing told about the Bolton bastard, Ramsey Snow who flays and tortures his victims to death.

"Clarissa, you don't have to marry the boy just for an alliance," her father informed her as Clarissa had finally made her decision.

She hoped the Seven could forgive her for doing this. "I'll marry him but not for an alliance, Father. For you," she informed him, grabbing his larger hand into her smaller one and holding it tightly.

Out of the corner of her eyes, she could see the smirk on her mother's face as she was finally getting her wish of marrying her daughter off to the worst man she could find but there was a flaw. She didn't find the worst man...she actually found Clarissa the best man.

Later that day, the announcement of Robb and Clarissa's engagement sparked joy throughout Winterfell and the plans were started straight away as the king wanted them married before he left for King's Landing.

What Clarissa found interesting was every time she looked over at Robb, he was whispering in an elderly lady who smiled brightly and was almost jumping for joy. Clarissa didn't find what he had asked of the lady until the day of their wedding a week later. 



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