Roman Bürki // thunder

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For Fatima

The sound of thunder woke you up from your peaceful sleep. Well, it was definitely no longer peaceful. If you were ever required to make a list of your top fears, thunder would for sure be on that list. It might even be one of the top three. You looked over at the window, only to see nothing but flashes of light. This storm just seemed to be the mother of all storms. Quickly, covering yourself with the blanket, you tried to shut out the rest of the world, closing your eyes, hoping that if you didn't see it than it would disappear. Unfortunately for you, it didn't work.

You could still hear the sound of the thunder and the wind. It felt like you were in the middle of some horror flick and that at any moment now, something or someone was just going to come out of no where and grab you, possibly resulting in your murder. The terrible thoughts that you were having were doing nothing to ease you or calm you down. If anything, it seemed to be making an already bad situation even worse.

Feeling someone grab someone grab your shoulder, you let out a blood curling scream. "No, don't kill me, I'm too young to die." You kicked out at whoever it was that was going to kill you, only stopping when you heard someone laugh. The laugh seemed really familiar to you. Gathering all the courage you could, you peeked out from under the covers to see that whoever had grabbed you had turned on all of the lights in your room.
In the center of your room, a few feet away from you stood your boyfriend, Roman. He was rolling on the floor laughing. You could see the tears in the corner of his eyes. You huffed. "That wasn't funny, you really scared me and now your laughing about it, you're such a jerk." Roman continued laughing but this time he raised his hand in the air.
"I'm sorry, but you should have seen your face. It was hilarious. And what you said..." He paused, laughter overwhelming him once more. "'Don't kill me, I'm much too young to die.'" He had made his voice go higher in order to impersonate you. You pouted watching your Roman make fun of you. "Just you wait. I'll get you back for this. Why are you up anyway?" You turned away from him, not looking him in the eye to prove your annoyance. If there was one thing you knew about him it was that he didn't like it when you didn't look him in the eye when you spoke to him.
"I was in the kitchen and when I heard the thunder I came to make sure you were alright. I know you don't like thunder. I figured that you were probably scared so I just wanted to check on you." You turned around to face him.
You couldn't help the smile that came on your face. "Well, I appreciate the thought. I would have appreciated it more if you had left out the mocking part." He sat next to you on the bed. "I couldn't let a good opportunity like that just pass me by, now could I." You laughed. "I'll forgive you on one condition, come cuddle with me"
"Sure, move over." You scooted over allowing him more space to lie down. Once he was seated comfortably, that was when you remembered the lights. "Can you do me a favor?" He raised one eyebrow but remained silent. "Can you go and turn off the lights?" With a sigh, he got off the bed and went to turn off the lights. Just as he was about get back in bed, you stopped him. "Wait, can you get teddy for me?" Usually you used your old teddy bear when there was a storm.
Sighing once more, he nodded. "Where is he?" You pointed to your closet. Roman walked over to your closet and brought your teddy bear to you. "Wait,...." He let out a groan. "What now?" You smiled, showing your teeth. "Nothing, I just wanted to bug you. He chuckled and then pushed you to the left side of the bed, making room for himself. You smiled and watched as he got into the bed with you.

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