Chapter 3

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I wake up with a sharp pain in the back of my head. I put my hand to the back of my head. There is something dry and crusted in my hair.

Oh yeah that's right, blood.

Blood is in my hair.

Not. Pleasant.

I lift my head and a sharp pain shoots up through it. Either it's just me, or that couch is moving. Nope, it's me. I have to hold my head to keep myself steady. I use to wall and table next to me and lift myself up. I look at the clock and wait for my eyes to steady.

7:50. Damn. I was supposed to leave twenty minutes ago. I'm going to be late. Thalia is going to be waiting, probably worrying her sick since thst just who she is.

I quickly change and shower to get the blood out of my hair. I grab two pills of Tylenol and run out the door. My mom's car is gone from the lot. I wonder why she didn't get me up. She probably was rushing and did not even notice.

I start jogging down the street to the school.

Ouch. Nope. I'm walking.

I guess the Tylenol does not work too well or just has not kicked in yet. It has been only a couple minutes. I should probably get my head checked out. Then again... Nope. I'm fine.

I come up to the school at 8:20. Twenty minutes late. That's not too bad. I have English first period today.

I run in, interrupting the teacher, and getting a worried look from Thalia and a rather odd look from Annabeth.

"Sorry sir. I...uh...had an appointment this morning."

He nods and gestures to my seat which is next to Annabeth in the back. Thalia sits two rows in front of me and she looks back, raising an eyebrow. She clearly does not believe my excuse. I smile at her innocently and take out my notes.


"I know you didn't have an appointment this morning. You're a terrible liar you know. Now spill." Thalia says harshly with her hands on her hips. I'm not going to lie, she looks down right scary. But much to my surprise, Annabeth is standing next to her staring at me with the same look I can't seem to identify. "If you were trying to skip, Percy-"

I hold my hands up "Calm down, Mom." It is just in Thalia's nature to be so controlling. She cares for her friends more than anything and is always looking out for them, even me after only meeting me a short while ago.

Thalia smacks the back of my head. I hold my hands up defensively. I am not about to tell them about Gabe. I say back confidently. "Okay. Okay. I just overslept. My mom went out early and I forgot to set my alarm."

She looks at me still with suspicion and all that was ringing through my mind is Annabeth. Throughout this conversation, her stare has not wavered. A look I still can not decide what it means. Before I can think any more of it, Thalia nods. "Okay. Whatever, now come on. You have second period with me today."

She grabs my wrist and pulls me along as Annabeth more of stumbles along behind us. Thalia still has that look of worry in her eyes. But, I have learned that the look of worry is normal with her.

She turns to me in a more of a quiet corner of the school. She crosses her arms. "Now tell me what's up. No one is around now."

"I thought we were going to second period?" I cover.

Thalia seemed shocked by my sass. "Don't sass me, boy." At that moment in time, Thalia looks scarier than my mom when I don't clean my room. If she was in a cartoon there would be smoke coming out of her ears. But this is not a cartoon.

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