Chapter Nineteen

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Hatchett's head was pounding. He rolled over only to fall off the bed, making his head throb even more. He slowly stood up and stumbled to the barhroom, taking Tylenol. He looked around the room and noticed it wasn't his. And it wasn't Jaylen's.

Who's room was it?

There was no woman, which was a good sign, and there were no other clothes to indicate it was someone else's room. It must have been one of the spare ones for when other members stayed the night.

He sat on the bed and tried to think of the last thing he remembered. Fighting with Jaylen... taking a cold shower involving a lot of thinking, sitting at the bar, talking to Banks following by anger and more drinking. Then nothing. What time had that been?

Looking at the clock, he saw he was already late for work. He left the room and walked to his, taking a quick shower and running out to his bike. Jaylen wasn't at the desk and no one in the garage said anything. Snake glared at him as he walked by.

What the hell had he done to piss everyone off?

He brushed it off and threw himself into his work. He promised a guy his car would be finished yesterday and due to events, Hatchett took a personal day and was now behind.

The fight with Jaylen kept running through his head. They had both fucked up. He had a right to be upset that she hid things from him, she had a right to be upset that be got a blow job from a whore. Shit. There was so much to consider in all of this. He had to at least hear her side before he made any final decision.

He came to the conclusion that he would sit down with her and talk. Calmly.

"Hatchett! You son of a bitch, get your ass in here!" Sarah yelled as she stormed through the garage and into the office.

He walked into the office frowning at her. "What's with the attitude?"

She turned around and slapped him across the face. "You're a cruel bastard, Hatchett!"

"What the hell did I do?" He yelled.

Half the men had started standing around the office door to watch Sarah ring him a new one.

"Jaylen was falling over drunk by ten! I went to set up for Washington's welcome home party and she was drinking at the bar! You know what she told me?" Sarah's eyes were pooling with tears but they were so vicious he had to try not to flinch.

"We had a fight the other night. I overreacted and didn't let her explain. Imma talk to her tonight and set everything right."

"I'm not talking about the other night, I'm talking about last night, ass-hat!" She slapped his arm.

He was beginning to believe he would walk out of there covered in bruises at that point. "I don't remember what happened last night. I can't remember anything after talking to Banks."

She poked at his chest and stepped closer. "Well let me tell you something, buddy, you fucked up big time."

"Well you wanna fill me in?"

"Short story: you called her a rat, said she was just like her father, called her a whore and told her to go back to Chains--whoever that is--and broke up with her."

Hatchett fell to the chair. Guilt and shame and loss flooded him. What the hell had he been thinking? How could he call her a whore? She was far from it. She was nothing like her dad.

"She has to know I didn't mean any of it! Right?"

Sarah shook her head, "Ever hear that drunk people tell the truth?"

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