Chapter Twenty-Two

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Sarah's POV

She stared at the little monsters in her backseat. She was contemplating whether or not she should take them out if the car to go get Jaylen. But then she'd have to load them back into the car... She could get one of the brothers to watch them while she ran in. Looking around she saw there was no one in sight. Shit.

"Mommy want out," Cole said, pulling on the straps on his car seat.

"Yea, yea, kid. Mama's coming." Sarah got out and went to unbuckle Cole first. She set him down on the ground and he followed her around the car so she could get Cain out.

"Ok, big man, are we walking today?" She asked, attempting to set him on the ground. He made his legs go slack and she did the little bounce thing to see if he would straighten them out to stand. Instead he just kicked his legs. "No? You suck."

She put him on her hip and grabbed Cole's hand. As she reached the door it opened and Viper stepped out.

He grinned at her, "Hey sis, how's it goin?"

She narrowed her eyes. "You couldn't come out two minutes sooner?"

"Naw," he grabbed Cain from her. "I was going to, but then I decided that my nephews should come inside."

"Hi Uncle Vipper," Cole said. "Mama said we goin to the mall today."

"Sounds like fun," Viper ruffled Cole's hair. "Takin Jay?"

Sarah followed him inside. "Yea, I figured it could do her some good."

It had been almost a month since Sarah found Jaylen passed out in her art shed. The sun was shining perfectly on the artwork in the middle of the room. She gasped when she saw it. Jaylen had made it so detailed and perfect, it was like Sarah was right there in the picture.

Ever since then Sarah had asked Jaylen about Hatchett every chance she got. Yea, she was furious at Hatchett for what he said to Jaylen, but she had seen the two of them together, she had watched them fight themselves to stay away from each other. When they were together, it was like a weight lifted off of the club.

Now they were at war with each other and Sarah was determined to get them to see eye to eye again.

Jaylen walked into the kitchen where Sarah and Viper ended up. "Hey, Sarah. What's the plans for today?"

"Figured we go to the mall, do some shopping, maybe get some i-c-e c-r-e-a-m."

"I like that idea," Jaylen smiled.

They grabbed the boys from Viper and loaded them into the car, making the thirty-ish minute drive to the mall. They walked around the mall, tried on and bought some clothes, looked at all the new gadgets in the electronic store. They eventually took the boys to the playground and them play.

"Soooo.....?" Sarah started.

Jaylen sighed. "I know what you're gonna say. No, we haven't talked about it. We're just... coexisting. We work fine together as friends."

"Key word being fine. You two were amazing together. Why are you fighting each other? Are either of you really happy?"

Jaylen looked away. She was silent for a minute. "I'm not. But that doesn't mean that he's not happy!"

"Jaylen." Sarah said and looked at her like she was crazy. "Have you seen the way he looks at you? He wants you, he misses you, he admires you. Most of all, he needs you in his life."

Jaylen blinked rapidly. "Ok. I get it. I'll talk to him."

"Thank God!" Sarah hugged her. "I love you."

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