The Romano Family

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My father always wanted a son. You know, to take over the family business. I guess you can call him old school for not wanting a girl running a mafia, but he didn't have much of a choice on his death bed. I am the boss of one of the most dangerous mafia families in New York City, the Romano family. My father, Luca Romano, was forced to give his position as boss to his only child, Daniella Marietta Lucia Romano. I was only 21 when given the title, and though I was highly skilled in the tactics of killing, I was never allowed to participate in mafia business. Therefore, the men in the family were hesitant about accepting me as their new leader due to my lack of experience. But that all changed a month and a half after my fathers death. An old rival of the Romano family thought it would be a good idea to attack us while we were in a weak state after the loss of Luca Romano. They broke into a meeting being held at my estate in attempt to kill me, the Romano heir. Fortunately I was not there when the trespassers took the room hostage, but moments later I was able to take the squad down by sniping them out from the balcony. That night I proved my worth and earned the nickname "Dani". I guess the boys were still uncomfortable receiving orders from a Daniella. I continue my fathers legacy by keeping the family in order and the neighboring mafias in check. I would easily give my life for this family and I know they would do the same for me.

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