The Promethean Code

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"When the long dark closes around us, we will be the last light"

- Wei Ning - 

The Blood Ghosts made it back to the City again. Rocky gave the Hive crystal to Eris. While Cerberus was talking to Cayde about his plan.

Eris Morn: Thank you, Rocky. I will begin to prepare the crystal so you can obtain Crota's essence.

Cayde-6: But first we have another mission for you guys.

Cerberus: What is it?

Cayde-6: You need to go back to Crota's Ascendant Realm, to steal Crota's essence, but your going to need clocking tech to slip pass the Taken and the Warmind bunker got's the code we need. 

Cerberus: Alright. We'll get the codes.

Rocky: Cerberus, can I see Tootsie for a bit?

Cerberus: Sure Rocky. Take all the time you need.

Rocky went to see Tootsie to comfort her after they survived the Hellmouth. After all the things they went through in that pit, Tootsie was sobbing on their bed while Drake and Penny were asleep.

Rocky: Tootsie, are you alright?

Tootsie: I'm fine. I'm just... scared that you might... die. 

Rocky: Tootsie, I'm alright. Have faith in me, dear. I'm gonna be alright.

Tootsie: I do have faith... in you, honey. It's just that... I'm worried about you when your out there.

Tootsie was crying so Rocky went to comfort her by giving her a hug. Tootsie starting to feel a bit better, she then looked at Rocky's eyes just to see that everything was gonna to be okay.

Rocky: You just need to have hope for my, honey. My teammates will risk anything to save me. I will do everything I can to put a stop to Oryx once and for all. 

Tootsie had a concerned look on her face, but she agreed to his decision.

Tootsie: Okay, Rocky. But promise me you will come home safe.

Rocky: I promise, my love.

Rocky and Tootsie then were kissing each other on the muzzle and were cuddling in their bed for a few minutes, but they did it quietly so they wouldn't wake up their children.

Tootsie: I love you, Rocky.

Rocky: I love you to, dear.

Tootsie: Well I suppose you should get ready for your next mission.

Rocky: I guess I should. Cerberus, I'm ready. he said on his radio.

Cerberus: Alright, meet me at the hanger.

Rocky: Understood.

Tootsie: Be safe.

They kissed one last time.

Rocky: I will.

Rocky went out of his pup house and went to the Hanger. The Blood Ghosts were near their ships and were ready to go to the Warmind bunker.

Cerberus: Okay. Are you ready, Rocky?

Rocky: Let's do this.

Cerberus: Then lets move out.

The Blood Ghosts went to their ships and flew to Rasputin's bunker near the Cosmodrome.

Rocky: Cerberus, where are we going?

Cerberus: We are going to Rasputin's bunker. I know you haven't been to the Cosmodrome before, but stay with us and we will get there.

Meanwhile with the Paw Patrol:

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