Chapter one

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A loud crash echoed through my ears as I saw smoke rising high above our village. "What the hell." I let out a gasp as I looked around me.

Were we being attacked by mount weather? It couldn't be possible. They had all the people they needed. So what was that boom.

I hear yelling from my village and I fear that there are injured people back at camp.

I run back to my village to see everyone looking around at each other. I run up to the first person I see, Indra. "What was that?" I ask her frantically. "Not what." She pauses. "But who." I look at her confused then I hear screaming coming from where the crash came from.

There couldn't possible be people falling from the sky. It made no logical since. Curious, I ran over to my horse and jumped on.

Kicking the side of the horse I made my way through the forest as my blonde long hair flowed to the side. I took in a deep breath of the woods around me. "The hell do you think your doing." A husky voice stopped me.

It was Lincoln. I stopped my horse and looked towards him. "Aren't you curious as to what that crash was?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"We have no understanding of what or who they are, it's best to know what we're looking for." He says.

"But what if what just came down, is bad. We need to catch them while we're still ahead." I strategize.

"Your in danger of being caught. What would Lexa do if she found out that you went out there and got caught?" He questioned.

I scoffed. "She wouldn't give a shit, all she cares about is herself. She wouldn't care if all of us died in her hands." I paused.

"And You, you shouldn't be talking, your not even allowed here anymore, if anyone sees you, your dead." I stare him dead in the eye.

"You should be worrying about yourself." I tell him before kicking my horse and riding once more into the green woods.

After 30 minutes of riding my horse, I can hear talking coming from beside me. There were people. I stop my horse and get off, careful not to make to much noise.

I start to see smoke rose from ahead and a big medal ship crashed into the dirt. It had to have come from outer space.

I looked around, making sure nobody was to close than I walked to the ship. It was amazing, it looked so scientific. I put my hand on the medal Interior when I heard footsteps behind me.

I took a deep breath and turned around expecting to see Indra with angry eyes or Lincoln following me to see what I was doing, but I didn't see either.

I saw a boy with brown frilly hair and hazel eyes. I looked at him and turned around to run away. I hear another voice. "Seems like we're not alone Bellamy."

The boy with frilly hair was standing right next to my horse, I was stuck. The other boy was threatening and started to come close to me. When he got to close I kicked him in the face and he fell over coughing up blood.

The boy looked up from the ground and looked to the boy with frilly hair. "What the fuck are you doing, get your gun out!" He yelled. But the boy with the frilly hair just stared at me confused.

He finally opened his mouth to speak. "There are other people on this earth?" He asked me but I quickly looked away not wanting to give anything else away.

If he knew we could speak, we all would be in danger. I looked to my horse who was behind the boy.

I looked in the boys hand to see a gun. He wasn't threatening me with it, but he had it just in case. I knew what the gun did, since my father found one in a supply shelter.

He brought it back to camp but Lexa didn't like it and made him throw it in the fire. The other boy grabbed my ankle so I quickly kicked him in the face again before he could do much more.

I don't know why I was being so stupid. He could use that gun at any second and kill me, but I felt like I was stuck. My blue eyes and his hazel eyes glued to each other.

"They took Jasper!" A girl with blonde messy hair ran into view. Finally the boy stopped looking at me and looked at her. That was my cue.

I ran as fast as I could to my horse and jumped on. "Wait!" The boy yelled for me to stop but I ignored him and road off into the wilderness, back to my village.

Bellamy's POV

"How stupid are you!" Murphy yelled at me. I gave him a threatening stare then continued to stare at where the girl had rode off into.

"Bellamy we need to do something!" Clarke yelled at me once again. I snapped out of my trance and looked at Clarke. "What?" I asked her.

"Jasper is going to be killed if we don't do something now!" She ordered.

Finn stepped in. "Jasper was hit with a spear." He paused for a moment. "We're not alone." I remembered the girl, with the scared blue eyes and the blonde dirty hair.

"Yeah we already know that, Bellamy let one get away." Murphy said in his annoying whiny voice. Clarke looked to me with disbelief.

"You can't be serious." She scoffed. "We needed it, it could've helped us find out where Jasper is." I shook my head.

"That's impossible, she didn't even know that we existed until she saw me." I told Clarke.

Clarke shook her head annoyed then walked away trying to get people to help her find Japer while I stood in disbelief thinking about the curious, scared girl.
I really like this story line, so thank you so much for supporting! I will be updating weekly and the word count consists of 1000 to 3000, just depends on how much time that I have available. Click that vote button! Thanks!

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