Chapter 2

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I sat across from Lincoln speechless. "What's wrong?" Lincoln asked me. It had been 5 days since I saw that boy. "Nothing." I quietly answered.

"Is it about that boy you saw?" He asked me rolling his eyes. I shook my head.  And angrily spoke. "Lexa is ordering a death sentence for anyone of them who come near us!" I scoffed.

"Eva we don't know their intentions, I hate to say it but Lexa is right." I look at him in disbelief. "You can't be fucking serious?" I ask him.

"Lexa is the one who banned you for being a 'traitor'." I said annoyed. He looked down at his feet. "She's also the one who saved you from the mountain men." I couldn't believe what Lincoln was saying.

"But she left my mother to be taken away by them!" I said clenching my teethe. "You can't save everyone." He said sadly. I squinted my eyes at him and could feel my anger rising up. "I've got to go." I scoffed as I headed towards the ladder.

Once I got out of the underground hut, I made my way to the village. I could feel my anger exploding, remembering my mother. Grounders were suppose to be brave and fearless.

I had never been like them. I'm not a fearless warrior and I feel that it is wrong to leave people to die. I'll never agree with Lexa.

All of the sudden a loud frequency filled the air. "Fuck." I said under my breath. It had to have been the fog horns. The horns were used for nothing else.

I couldn't go back to the hut and the village was to far away. I could see the fog rising up and I panicked. I started running as fast as I could away from the smoke.

It got to the point where I couldn't breathe. I knew that I had to go somewhere, but where? "Help!" I yelled hoping to see a passing by grounder. Or someone who had a home near by.

What I saw scared me. It was the boy with frilly hair. He was with a little girl and he was helping her go down the ladder. "stay here." He told her in a calm manner before looking at me.

I tried to run away from him but I collapsed onto the ground due to lack of breath. All I could do was hold my neck and try to get my breathing back. The last thing I saw was the boy picking me up and running back to the shelter.
When I woke up, I was underground. The boy was talking to the same girl from earlier. Before I got up, I listened to what he was saying.

"Slay your demons while your awake, and they won't be able to get you while your asleep." She hesitated. "Yeah, but how?" She asked afraid. "You can't afford to be weak down here. Weakness is death, fear is death." She looked confused.

"Let me see that knife I gave you." The boy asked her. She showed him a knife and he took it. "Now when you feel afraid, hold tight to that knife and say screw you I'm not afraid." She took the knife back and looked at it.

She clutched it in her hands. She repeated what he said in a scared voice. Than she said it more bravely. "Screw you, I'm not afraid."

He smiled. "Slay your demons kid, and then you'll be able to sleep." He told her.

I stared at both of them, and they seemed unaware that I was awake. The boy closed his eyes. When it felt safe enough, I got up, and looked around.

Above me was a door that I could get out of here with. I started to climb the ladder and out of nowhere I was grabbed and pulled down by the boy.

I kicked him and punched him while he tried to calm me down. "The fog isn't over yet, your going to die if you go out there!" He protested.

Finally he put me down and I stood there angry. I wanted to leave, and he would not let me. I clenched my fists and opened my mouth to speak then quickly shut it.

The girl got up and the boy quickly made her sit down. "Charlotte, let me handle this." He told her with big eyes.

I stood speechless and unhappy as the boy tried talking to me. "It's okay." He told me in a soothing voice. All I wanted was Lincoln or even Lexa.

I didn't trust him at all. Charlotte got up again. "Bellamy your not helping." She told him.

Charlotte walked towards me. "What's your name?" She asked me. I felt stupid letting a little girl talk to me like I was some sort of wounded animal.

I was a grounder. I was suppose to already be brave and strong. I ignored her question and remembered my pocket knife. I quickly grabbed it and held it to both of them.

The boy put his hands up and sat down again and so did the girl. I put my knife away when I realized they weren't going to hurt me.

I couldn't help it, I was so tired of their attempts to make me feel safe and secure in this prison. Even though I knew they were trying to help me, I wasn't going to take any chances.

The boy just stared at me and I felt uncomfortable. I just wanted to run far away from this place.

"Was it you who took Jasper?" Charlotte asked me. I acted like I didn't understand a word she spoke. "She probably doesn't speak our language." Bellamy told her.

I crossed my arms and sat down, not keeping my eyes off of either of them. I knew that my people had captured one of them to make a point. The point being that we weren't scared of them and that they were not alone.

Finally both of them went to sleep, and so did I. I haven't slept in 3 days, so it was hard to stay awake much longer.

When I woke up, both of them were getting ready to leave. I quickly got up and climbed as fast as I could, getting out of that prison.

I took a deep breathe once I met the cool breeze of the outdoors. I looked to make sure they weren't following me, then I ran to Lincoln's hut.

I went into the hut and immediately sat down. Lincoln looked at me with strange eyes. "He saved me." I told him looking in his eyes.

"Who?" Lincoln asked me confused.

"Bellamy." I shook my head. "He saved me from the fog." I told him ecstatic.

"Why the hell were you with him!" Lincoln yelled. "He could have killed you, you have no idea who he is!" Lincoln said angrily.

I shook my head. "But he didn't. He saved me." Lincoln looked angry and confused at the same time.

"Why have you been so stupid lately?" He said out of the blue. "What do you mean?" I asked him curiously.

"Right when this ship crashed and you met the boy, everything has changed."
He shook his head.

"Before then, you didn't trust anyone you didn't know, like a normal person. Now you trust a complete stranger with your life." He scoffed.

"It's not like that." I said annoyed.

"Trust me, I don't trust him. It's just, instead of killing me he saved my life. Who would do that for a complete stranger?" I asked him.

I was so confused about his act of kindness. Who is like that? It just didn't seem normal at all.
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