Chapter 9

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I sat down on the medal surface like a broken toy. I couldn't even save my friends life, I was useless. I tugged at the chains holding me down.

I was so tired of being pushed around by people who just got here. It was our land that they took.

A loud bang alarmed me as Octavia, Bellamy's younger sister entered the room. She looked at Lincoln in terror. He was bloody and wounded from all of the beatings he received.

She looked at me and gave me a warm smile as I shot her back a glare. "I can get you all out of here." She explained. She held a knife tight in her right hand, and began to cut the things holding Lincoln up.

He fell over once his hands were free. "What are you doing." Lincoln let out a deep breathe. "I'm not going to have you killed." Octavia said kneeling beside him.

Then she came over to me.

"Your Eva right?" She asked me. I nodded my head at her and looked at my chains. "This may hurt." Octavia warned me.

I laughed at her. "Go for it." I insisted. She put the knife in the small part separating my skin from the cuff. Than she pulled the cuff out with the knife until it snapped.

I held my wrist which was bleeding from he blade contacting my skin. "Thanks." I whispered.

Lincoln went over to me looking me up and down. "Are you okay? Did they hurt you." He said in a worried voice. Then he stopped. "Where's your necklace." He asked me.

I clenched my fists and looked away from him. "She's gone and it doesn't matter." I snapped at him.

He nodded his head in sympathy. "We need to go fast." Octavia interrupted. "This won't work. They know who we are and will catch us the moment we leave." Lincoln growled.

"Not if they can't think." Octavia smirked. My mind shot back to when Octavia gave the guard a pack out of date nuts.

"They're Hallucinating." I said in joy. Octavia had saved Lincoln's life. I didn't have to worry.

"I can't." I whispered. They both looked at me confused. "Eva what are you talking about." Lincoln said taking a step towards me.

"You think we're gonna get out if she has to save 2 life's?" I roared at him. "They won't notice you." She said confused.

"There has to be somebody who didn't eat them." I said sitting down. "That's not going to work." Lincoln snapped. He picked me up. I struggled to get out of his grip.

People could order me around easier than I thought. Once we met the warm sun, I let a smile go cheek to cheek. Lincoln was now looking at me confused. I hadn't smiled like this in a long time.

I may not have freed us, but at least we were both safe. Than a terrible reminder popped in my head. "Momma." I whispered. I jumped out of Lincoln's arms and ran to where Bellamy's had thrown the wooded heart.

I crawled through the opening and frantically looked through the leaves. "Please." I begged the gods. That was my last happy memory of my mother.

"Your my brave girl." My mom said in her calm, sweet voice. "Yeah!" I chirped back holding my arm up showing the bruises and cuts along it. "I didn't even cry once." I gleamed.

"One day I'm gonna be a warrior just like you and grandma." I looked deep into my mothers hazel eyes. She tucked a piece of her chocolate brown hair behind her ears.

"You have plenty of time until that day comes." She laughed at me. "Well I need something that can help me become a warrior." I looked at my feet sadly.

I could hear her soft chuckle before something was put around my neck. "What?" I asked confused looking down at a wooden heart on a silver chain.

"How is this gonna help." I grumpily argued. "Well you see." She pondered. "When I was just your age, your grandmother gave me this exact necklace." 

She looked around as if in secrecy. "Only true Warriors can wear that necklace." She whispered.

My eyes got wider as I looked at the heart. "So." I paused. "This means I'm just like you and grandma." I said happily. My mother gave me a smile and I ran to hug her.

"I love you momma." I whispered.
----------------------------------------------"No, no, no." I could feel my eyes well up as I lost hope. "Eva what's wrong." Octavia was beside me now.

"Nothing." I said through my teethe. I wiped my watering eyes to prevent tears from escaping them.

"I have to go." I said standing up. My whole mind was blurry. I had lost every part of my mother. My heart hurt and I wanted to burst out crying, but I couldn't. At least not here.

I turned around and walked into the green woods. Leafs crunched under my feet as I took each step. I felt as if I could collapse at any second.

After walking deep enough into the woods I collapsed. I crawled to a tree and leaned against is. Tears ran fast out of my eyes. She was gone.

I grabbed my knees and hugged them rocking back and forth.

I should've saved my mother. I was so dumb.


I watched in terror as they strung my mother up on that machine. Taking her life from her. All of the sudden the doors where thrown open and the men stringing her up where dead.

I tried to make myself small to get away from whoever did that. "It's ok." A familiar voice boomed. I could hear rejoice.

Lexa saw me in the cage and her eyes widened. "Eva?" She asked. I nodded my head and almost immediately she was at my cage getting me out.

She hugged me and then we heard loud banging at the door. "Open up!" The voice yelled. Lexa looked around then grabbed, picking me up then running away. "W-what save momma." I yelled at her.

She ignored my cries and went to a large ladder and climbed down. I couldn't see my mother anymore.
I let out a cry. I should've fought Lexa. She was suppose to save her own best friend, my mother. Not me.

"Are you okay?" A voice questioned from above me. I looked up to see Bellamy looking straight at me.

How the hell did he find me. Why was he always there at the worst times.

I laughed shaking my head. "No." My answer confused me. Why would I tell him that. He was the one who took my necklace. I didn't understand why he didn't care that I was out of their camp.

He sat down beside me and looked forward. "What happened." He asked me. "You." I snapped at him.

He looked at me confused. "I am kind to your people, I don't like hurting anybody. And so you decided to take the last part of my mother away." I yelled at him in a whisper.

I heard a groan of realization, then something was put around my neck. I looked down to see the familiar heart hanging from the silver chain.

I sighed. "How?" I asked him. "It's not my place to take something from you, just because you wanted to help your friend." He answered.

My eyes watered once again. But this time it wasn't in sadness, it was in happiness. "Thank you." I whimpered hugging him.
----------------------------------------------ahhhhh! Thank you everyone so much! Click that vote button for more and continue to read! I love y'all so much

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