Chapter 12

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Bellamy led me through the woods until we hit the border. I stopped as he kept walking. He looked back at me with a smile. "It's okay." He promised.

I nodded my head as I crossed the border putting myself in danger.  I ran to the side of Bellamy trying to avoid any of his 'friends'.

"Where are we going." I asked him. "Cave." He answered in a brief husk voice. His clothes were ripped and I could see a gun hanging out of his pants.

"Why can't you tell me here." I asked not wanting to go much further. He looked at me to see concern filling my eyes. "Eva do you really think I'm going to hurt you." He asked with a serious look on his face.

I wanted to believe him but at the same time I didn't. "Give me the gun." I said. "What." He looked at me laughing.

"Give me the gun." I repeated myself. He could see that I wasn't kidding so he pulled the gun out of his pants and handed it to me.

I looked at it then put it in my pocket and kept following Bellamy.

We walked a little longer until a cave came into view. I walked inside of it then sat down on a rock. "What is so god damn important that you needed to bring me all the way out here to tell me?" I huffed.

"You have to promise me that you will not tell anyone." He said in serious tone. "Bellamy what is it." I said concerned. "You have to promise me."

I took a deep breath. "I promise you." He smiled at the ground then looked back at me.

"When you guys attack" he begun but i cut him off by springing to my feet. "How do you know that?" I said almost hysterical.

"We have spy's too Eva." He said in a calm voice. "What are you going to do." I asked him.

"All I need you to do is to stay off of the bridge when you plan on attacking." He got up.

"No." I said angrily.

"Eva please just stay off the bridge." He pleaded with me. I rolled my eyes.

"Eva, I care about you and I don't want you to get hurt." He said looking deep into my eyes. I care about you. Those words kept repeating through my mind.

Nobody has truly cared about me ever since my mother died. I shook my head trying to make since of why someone I barely knew, cared about me more than people I've lived with my whole life.

"Why?" Was all that I could get out.

He looked up at me surprised by my question. "What do you mean?"

"Nobody just cares for one another down here." I tucked a piece of my brown hair behind my ears.

"Well I do." He paused.

"Your not like your people Eva. Your kind and you don't let people make choices for you."

He was being so sweet to me. I opened my mouth to speak when a knife flew through the air and hit Bellamy in his lower stomach.

He fell down onto the floor and I gasped turning to where the blade was thrown. "Alex." I practically whimpered.

He just looked angry and hateful. "Your sick Eva." He spit at me. He was holding another knife and kept taking steps closer and closer to me until he was an inch away.

I could see one of the kids behind him, which made the situation even harder.

"I'm sorry." I whispered and before he could react, the blade that used to sit in my left back pocket was to his throat.

He still stood tall and his expression didn't change. "Go ahead, fight the war for them but do your really think your mother would be proud of you."

I looked back to where the kid used to be but she was gone now.

"My mother would love me no matter what." And with that I slit his throat. I dropped the knife and fell to my knees where Bellamy lay.

Blood oozed out of his stomach. "What am I suppose to do?" I whispered a tear running down my cheek. I put my hands over where the blood was oozing out, covering my hands in blood.

I was now a traitor and I couldn't go back to my people and get medicine.

I knew what I had to do but it was so dangerous especially at this point in time when a war was going on.

"I'll be back soon." I whispered to Bellamy before running out of the cave. My people would be there at any minute looking for me so I needed to hurry.

I ran as leafs crunches under my feet. I wasn't going to let Bellamy die. I let my mother go, and I wasn't going to do the same thing again.

The camp came into view and I ran as fast as I could. When I got to wall I yelled for them to open up the gates.

"Who are you." A female ordered with a gun pointed to me. "Eva, and I suggest you get me your medicine." I snapped at him.

"Clarke!" The girl yelled. A familiar voice asked "what" before she climbed up and saw me.

"Open the gate!" She ordered. The loud squeaking of the gate filled the air until finally I could see Clark, standing with a confused expression on her face."What is it?" Clarke asked me still keeping a good distance away, considering that I had blood all over my hands.

"Please one of your people is dying." Tears where streaming out of my eyes. "Can you lead me to them?" She put a concerned smile on her face. "We have to hurry my people will be there at any moment to kill him." I pleaded.

She nodded her head and ordered three other strong men to follow her out to get Bellamy.

When we arrived at the cave there Bellamy lied with a much bigger pool of blood around him. They all looked shocked by the dead body of a man at the entrance.

Clarke then looked to where I stood above Bellamy. She covered her mouth at the image of his body.

"Bellamy." She whispered to herself, but loud enough so that I could hear.

"Get him and be careful." She told the men. They listened and picked him up carefully. The men where slow, but where being careful. After a good 20 minutes of walking back to camp, we arrived and they stopped me at the gates.

"I'm sorry Eva but you can't come in." Clarke told me in a sad tone. I looked down to my feet and put on a fake smile. "I understand." I lied.

Not until this moment did I realize that I didn't belong anywhere anymore.

The gates closed leaving me alone and clueless to how Bellamy was doing. I sat down at the wall and prayed to a god I didn't even believe.
Thank you so much for the read! I love you all and please continue to hit the vote button and comment! It really helps me to know if I'm doing a good job. I just released a new story called LOST SOUL and if you love Bellamy fanfics I really suggest checking it out! Again, thank you so much! (And I know it's not Monday like my usually post day, but this week is going to be very crazy for me and I most likely will forget on Monday)

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