Chapter 5

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I woke up in the middle of the forest. The leafs shined and the sun was brighter than hell.

I looked down at my bloody leg as I remembered the shot fired at it last night. I tried to ignore the pain as I got up.

A gun was more harmful than I had imagined. I held my bloody and hurting leg as I cursed Bellamy, even though he was just protecting that girl.

Using my right hand I pushed myself up into an awkward standing position. It hurt so god damn much.

I took off into the forest, it was still dark so I couldn't have been out long. I limped all the way back to my hut. I climbed slowly down the ladder and almost threw up when I saw what had happened.

There was blood everywhere, and it wasn't the girls, it couldn't be. He would never hurt anyone who didn't deserve to die.

"Lincoln." I called out. All I got back was silence. "Lincoln!" I yelled running through the hut. They had found the girl, and had killed Lincoln.

That's all I could think of. I fell to the ground, I tried as hard as possible not to cry but I couldn't help it. We had known each other since age 3.

"Lincoln!" I yelled in a weak voice. The eerie silence took up the whole space as I sat on the dirt.

I was a warrior, I couldn't cry. It only showed weakness. I new I had to get on the move, they would probably be back at any moment to look for other people to kill.

I got up and took the ladder. When I got outside I could feel my chest burn and my heart ache.

I looked down at my leg which was soon to be infected if I didn't get care for it. As I was looking at the deep wound I saw a trail of blood leading through the woods.

I gasped and limped over to it. If there was a chance that Lincoln was still alive, I was going to use it.

First I needed to heal my leg. I headed back to my village one step at a time. I needed to hurry, but I wasn't going to hurt my leg anymore than it already was.

The village was only a step away when I ran started to fall down. I looked up at the once blue sky, to see grey unwelcoming clouds.

I quickly walked into the village and went to the person I trusted, Indra. All though she was on the side with Lexa, she was always there for me.

"What happened?" She asked in our native language. "Sky crew shot me."
I told her holding my leg. She nodded her head and took me into a small hut.

I sat down on a chair in the hut and rested my leg on the table. "Sky crew will pay." Is all she said before putting antidote on my bloody leg.

After I was fixed, she insisted that I stayed with her for the night but I declined, because I knew I had to find Lincoln.

Running in the hot, windy, raining dark woods with a wounded leg was a difficult task.

I followed the sound of yelling, as the storm just got worse and worse. "Lincoln!" I screamed looking down at the trail of blood, which was loosing color more and more each passing second.

I Trusted You/ A Bellamy fanficWhere stories live. Discover now